Listen, if anyone here thinks that jumping ship here for any other opportunity, whether its another company, start up etc, you are crazy if you think the challenges on the other side are not the same , or even worse. I can tell you I have had several friends in the pharma biotech arena leave for start ups that looked awesome and promising, only to be sold off at last minute and they worked for 1 year IF that, only to find themselves now looking for a new job, and they left a company they had been with that was more stable. My point is all medical sales positions have challenges, whether is possible layoffs, mergers, etc, but I can tell you that leaving here for any start up, etc is simply reactive thinking and not an intelligent well thought out decision. I have perosnally seen 4 friends of mine in the past 2 years get burned by the promises made by a start up. I am not a kool aid drinker and I know there are some issues here, but tell me what company doesn't have issues???. I can tell you confidently that this is a good place to be, better than 85% of the other companies in our industry. Just my 2 cents