WAKE up KAE's you just got screwed

Sneaky, sneaky LC. Company run by lawyers thinking no one reads the contracts they send out, all the while telling people "nothing has changed". Should have just paid us in stock. I have never worked at a company where employee morale is so low.

I couldn't agree with you more. Not only is employee morale low, the company's culture is a toilet. It's is littered with illiterate managers who never had any training and manage by fear and intimidation. Terrible work environment

Only person I've ever seen retire from LabCorp is Tom McMahon. Everyone else I knew that was close to the end had their "position eliminated" so LabCorp could avoid paying retirement. after 6 month wait out period, Labcorp can then open up the position again, call it an "expansion" and find someone 30 years younger to do the same job at 1/3 salary. Let's be truthful here, the number of jobs that require real thought and leadership can be counted on two hands. everyone else is a monkey that is supposed to keep their mouths shut and press the button with the picture of the banana on it several times daily. Do not deviate or else.

I think the worst mistake one could make, aside from working for labcorp in the first place, is to bank on any kind of smooth sail into the sunset with labcorp. in my geography (east coast) I've watched dozens of people in the 50+ age bracket be subject to that 'position elimination' tactic. Just did it to a long tenured sales person earlier this year. Sadly, a few brought lawyers into the mix and suffered greater financial losses trying to beat Labcorp at this game. It's simply not possible.

if your stupid enough to still work for labcorp in your 50s, shame on you. you'll get what you deserve. nobody wanted you anyway if you still work there in your 50s. your career is roadkill.

labcorp does not care about you. they don't care about patients and they don't care about quality. they do the minimum amt they need to on all fronts in effort to spend the least. earnings, earnings, earnings. end of story.

This is the most truthful, insightful, and truest picture of LabCorp summed up in a few paragraphs. Spot on!

I couldn't agree with you more. Not only is employee morale low, the company's culture is a toilet. It's is littered with illiterate managers who never had any training and manage by fear and intimidation. Terrible work environment

Please notify HR as they need to know your concerns of the hostile environment your manager has caused. I believe your not the only one who feels the same. I have heard many people feel the same way. It's not right, stand up for your rights. No one should have to be treated like the way you're treated. You deserve better! RESPECT!

Please notify HR as they need to know your concerns of the hostile environment your manager has caused. I believe your not the only one who feels the same. I have heard many people feel the same way. It's not right, stand up for your rights. No one should have to be treated like the way you're treated. You deserve better! RESPECT!

I agree with you that other people feel the same, how couldn't they? This place is horrible. However, unfortunately Human Resources is in place to protect the company and is not there to protect the employee. Hope people know that before speaking up. Best choice you can make is never to work here in the first place. If you are in a position, get out as soon as possible and don't look back. If labcorp doesn't know their management and culture is horrendous, then some peon rep telling HR isn't going to change one single thing!

Please notify HR as they need to know your concerns of the hostile environment your manager has caused. I believe your not the only one who feels the same. I have heard many people feel the same way. It's not right, stand up for your rights. No one should have to be treated like the way you're treated. You deserve better! RESPECT!

If you had any value to our company you would be treated as such. You are obviously a weak undesirable employee. So do us all a favor and leave.

Are you all that dense? All I hear from everyone is how bad it is or how management has no idea on what is going on. If it’s that bad, why stay?

I am sure many employees are trying to and wish they could leave. Not sure if you noticed or not, the economy and job market is pretty bad. which is why labcorp probably doesn't care if they lose people or cut their payouts. they can find somebody willing to work in this job market. When the job market turns they will be forced to make changes. Until then, stock up on lube at costco :)