WAKE up KAE's you just got screwed


welcome to the new comp plan, you just took a 18% pay cut on the comp plan......MNG just dropped the rate from 4.25% to 3.5%... ...... with no warning or announcement, thanks LCA - let me bend over once again. Hope this helps you pay for Covance, you're welcome

KAE's are receiving additional bonuses thru BAD DEBT PROMOTION. They're receiving checks for $2000.00 or greater each quarter.

Gimme a break". What about the SME reduction on the commission rate? What did we get out of the reduction in pay........answer = nothing!

You want to pay me less I'm just going to give you less.

Dear KAEs and SMEs,

To make up for the plan changes you should consider buying LabCorp stock at the discounted rate thru ESPP. Looks like a good deal at 15% off list.

Sneaky, sneaky LC. Company run by lawyers thinking no one reads the contracts they send out, all the while telling people "nothing has changed". Should have just paid us in stock. I have never worked at a company where employee morale is so low.

Gimme a break". What about the SME reduction on the commission rate? What did we get out of the reduction in pay........answer = nothing!

You want to pay me less I'm just going to give you less.

yup, everyone is saying they are not going to continue the to put in the hrs, LCA will get what they pay for.....

Thanks for the pay cut LCA! It's not like you were paying the majority of KAEs very much in comp to begin with. PPA numbers conveniently fluctuate so much without any explanation resulting in lower commission and now you just dropped the % that you pay us?? BITE ME!!!

Thanks for the pay cut LCA! It's not like you were paying the majority of KAEs very much in comp to begin with. PPA numbers conveniently fluctuate so much without any explanation resulting in lower commission and now you just dropped the % that you pay us?? BITE ME!!!

Amen, it's just awful. LCA is very greedy. and the crazy math and fluctuation in the #'s is so crazy its comical.

Guess the comp plan I signed less than 45 days ago as a new hire is null an void now. . . should have listened to some of the posters on this site. Thank goodness my resume is up to date and I have been here less than 90 days. Don't even have to mention this one. . .

I have a strong management team that I enjoy working with....or should I say enjoyed. Time to start looking. Papa needs a new pair of shoes and I can't buy them on what I've been making.

two types of people:

1) People who work at LabCorp, too afraid to leave and really test themselves. Stick around while your benefits get shaved, your commission shrinks annually and they find new ways to nickel and dime you. You get babysat while they make sure you are working each day.

2) People that believe in themselves, realize they are bright & talented, and get outa that cesspool of a company and go and make some real money where you get treated commensurate with your skill, talent and production.

there are plenty of #1's in the world. So don't shed a tear for labcorp. The day you wake up and realize you're a #2 and move on - another #1 will slide in and take your place.

two types of people:

1) People who work at LabCorp, too afraid to leave and really test themselves. Stick around while your benefits get shaved, your commission shrinks annually and they find new ways to nickel and dime you. You get babysat while they make sure you are working each day.

2) People that believe in themselves, realize they are bright & talented, and get outa that cesspool of a company and go and make some real money where you get treated commensurate with your skill, talent and production.

there are plenty of #1's in the world. So don't shed a tear for labcorp. The day you wake up and realize you're a #2 and move on - another #1 will slide in and take your place.
Well said for younger reps. It remains a good place to be for those that see retirement in the near future.

Only person I've ever seen retire from LabCorp is Tom McMahon. Everyone else I knew that was close to the end had their "position eliminated" so LabCorp could avoid paying retirement. after 6 month wait out period, Labcorp can then open up the position again, call it an "expansion" and find someone 30 years younger to do the same job at 1/3 salary. Let's be truthful here, the number of jobs that require real thought and leadership can be counted on two hands. everyone else is a monkey that is supposed to keep their mouths shut and press the button with the picture of the banana on it several times daily. Do not deviate or else.

I think the worst mistake one could make, aside from working for labcorp in the first place, is to bank on any kind of smooth sail into the sunset with labcorp. in my geography (east coast) I've watched dozens of people in the 50+ age bracket be subject to that 'position elimination' tactic. Just did it to a long tenured sales person earlier this year. Sadly, a few brought lawyers into the mix and suffered greater financial losses trying to beat Labcorp at this game. It's simply not possible.

if your stupid enough to still work for labcorp in your 50s, shame on you. you'll get what you deserve. nobody wanted you anyway if you still work there in your 50s. your career is roadkill.

labcorp does not care about you. they don't care about patients and they don't care about quality. they do the minimum amt they need to on all fronts in effort to spend the least. earnings, earnings, earnings. end of story.

Only person I've ever seen retire from LabCorp is Tom McMahon. Everyone else I knew that was close to the end had their "position eliminated" so LabCorp could avoid paying retirement. after 6 month wait out period, Labcorp can then open up the position again, call it an "expansion" and find someone 30 years younger to do the same job at 1/3 salary. Let's be truthful here, the number of jobs that require real thought and leadership can be counted on two hands. everyone else is a monkey that is supposed to keep their mouths shut and press the button with the picture of the banana on it several times daily. Do not deviate or else.

I think the worst mistake one could make, aside from working for labcorp in the first place, is to bank on any kind of smooth sail into the sunset with labcorp. in my geography (east coast) I've watched dozens of people in the 50+ age bracket be subject to that 'position elimination' tactic. Just did it to a long tenured sales person earlier this year. Sadly, a few brought lawyers into the mix and suffered greater financial losses trying to beat Labcorp at this game. It's simply not possible.

if your stupid enough to still work for labcorp in your 50s, shame on you. you'll get what you deserve. nobody wanted you anyway if you still work there in your 50s. your career is roadkill.

labcorp does not care about you. they don't care about patients and they don't care about quality. they do the minimum amt they need to on all fronts in effort to spend the least. earnings, earnings, earnings. end of story.

I disagree with some of what you say. I'm in my 50s and doing ok here. They leave alone and I don't kill myself. Yes I could go elsewhere and make more money but I think the security here is better then at a smaller lab. I fully realize they don't care about me but in turn I really don't care about them. Just chillin.

Only person I've ever seen retire from LabCorp is Tom McMahon. Everyone else I knew that was close to the end had their "position eliminated" so LabCorp could avoid paying retirement. after 6 month wait out period, Labcorp can then open up the position again, call it an "expansion" and find someone 30 years younger to do the same job at 1/3 salary. Let's be truthful here, the number of jobs that require real thought and leadership can be counted on two hands. everyone else is a monkey that is supposed to keep their mouths shut and press the button with the picture of the banana on it several times daily. Do not deviate or else.

I think the worst mistake one could make, aside from working for labcorp in the first place, is to bank on any kind of smooth sail into the sunset with labcorp. in my geography (east coast) I've watched dozens of people in the 50+ age bracket be subject to that 'position elimination' tactic. Just did it to a long tenured sales person earlier this year. Sadly, a few brought lawyers into the mix and suffered greater financial losses trying to beat Labcorp at this game. It's simply not possible.

if your stupid enough to still work for labcorp in your 50s, shame on you. you'll get what you deserve. nobody wanted you anyway if you still work there in your 50s. your career is roadkill.

labcorp does not care about you. they don't care about patients and they don't care about quality. they do the minimum amt they need to on all fronts in effort to spend the least. earnings, earnings, earnings. end of story.

Retirement?? Since when has LC paid retirement other than one's own 401k? Maybe, perhaps severance?