We've lost employees that needed to go but on the flip side they've lost valuable, stand up representatives... for what? To keep incompetent people in power who are losing revengue, putting company at legal risk, and do the bare minimum. While ELT / SLT is covering up to investors the lies and misconduct they've been committing behind the scenes, you're got these superstars joining companies with not nearly the magnitude of corruption. It's a matter of time before people wake up (which seems like they are) and join an org done right (legally) hired by solid folk... you'd better give every damn sales rep, sales associate, internal support, lab ops more pay because they're not going to pick up the slack for industry low salary compensation plans. If not, expect them to leave and take alllllll that business with em. Also, quit lying about the federal investigation so people keep working. No ones dumb. Let's get some real answers for the board