Wait, what?

Twice a year? You obviously don't work here anymore. Two times a year is low balling a lot.

Even when lots are identified during every months the company "normally" performs a "voluntary recall" during (June/July) and a second one if necessary during (October/ December) a voluntary recall cost more than 1M.

So who is causing all of the trouble? Production or the lab? Either way, the problem should be fixed and the sales force needs to come back strong. Sales bring in revenue. Other groups are just support functions.

Upper management, people like RV, SR and all the QC Managers and Supervisors. Clean the house and like other post said we can move forward and get our Sales team back.

Wow, I came across this today and can't believe the thread here. First, let me say that I am the QC Director that was let go. I am deeply touched by the sentiments of some of the first comments, but this escalated quickly out of hand, apparently by some former disgruntled employees.
Let me set a few things straight:
1. While I do not agree with the decisions made,I fully understand it was what JM and CM felt to be a business decision. I do not believe there was any ill intent in the move, and I still hold both of them in the highest regards, professionally. In fact, somebody (no names mentioned) owes me a deep sea trip still!
2. For those prospective employees, let me tell you about the QC Team. Those guys went to hell and back for me. I worked along side some of the most talented and dedicated individuals there are in that team, and I miss them dearly. In fact, I told them I would not leave until the last one walked out the door. BIG MISTAKE! Those suckers kept me there 70 hours a week! Lol.
3. Yes, there are problems stemming from a bad audit, but we were making strides. I saw us being out of the hole in three months prior to my departure.
4. Your mid level management team is second to none. They are either the first there, or the last to leave. They are dedicated to you.
5. Don't be afraid of the opportunity here. Just because I did not work out, does not mean you won't.

Don't listen to negative comments. There can be a bright future here. The team is there, they just need a little more time and help. Best of luck Noven, I wish nothing but the best for you!

Wow, I came across this today and can't believe the thread here. First, let me say that I am the QC Director that was let go. I am deeply touched by the sentiments of some of the first comments, but this escalated quickly out of hand, apparently by some former disgruntled employees.
Let me set a few things straight:
1. While I do not agree with the decisions made,I fully understand it was what JM and CM felt to be a business decision. I do not believe there was any ill intent in the move, and I still hold both of them in the highest regards, professionally. In fact, somebody (no names mentioned) owes me a deep sea trip still!
2. For those prospective employees, let me tell you about the QC Team. Those guys went to hell and back for me. I worked along side some of the most talented and dedicated individuals there are in that team, and I miss them dearly. In fact, I told them I would not leave until the last one walked out the door. BIG MISTAKE! Those suckers kept me there 70 hours a week! Lol.
3. Yes, there are problems stemming from a bad audit, but we were making strides. I saw us being out of the hole in three months prior to my departure.
4. Your mid level management team is second to none. They are either the first there, or the last to leave. They are dedicated to you.
5. Don't be afraid of the opportunity here. Just because I did not work out, does not mean you won't.

Don't listen to negative comments. There can be a bright future here. The team is there, they just need a little more time and help. Best of luck Noven, I wish nothing but the best for you!

What an idiot.

Wow, I came across this today and can't believe the thread here. First, let me say that I am the QC Director that was let go. I am deeply touched by the sentiments of some of the first comments, but this escalated quickly out of hand, apparently by some former disgruntled employees.
Let me set a few things straight:
1. While I do not agree with the decisions made,I fully understand it was what JM and CM felt to be a business decision. I do not believe there was any ill intent in the move, and I still hold both of them in the highest regards, professionally. In fact, somebody (no names mentioned) owes me a deep sea trip still!
2. For those prospective employees, let me tell you about the QC Team. Those guys went to hell and back for me. I worked along side some of the most talented and dedicated individuals there are in that team, and I miss them dearly. In fact, I told them I would not leave until the last one walked out the door. BIG MISTAKE! Those suckers kept me there 70 hours a week! Lol.
3. Yes, there are problems stemming from a bad audit, but we were making strides. I saw us being out of the hole in three months prior to my departure.
4. Your mid level management team is second to none. They are either the first there, or the last to leave. They are dedicated to you.
5. Don't be afraid of the opportunity here. Just because I did not work out, does not mean you won't.

Don't listen to negative comments. There can be a bright future here. The team is there, they just need a little more time and help. Best of luck Noven, I wish nothing but the best for you!

Mr. "This isn't a Democracy" in person.

So wait, an organizational structure is supposed to be a democracy now? I'm sorry but companies hire a management team and the team leader sets the priorities and policies that do get passed down. If a leader identifies an issue and they don't take a vote on it before taking action, that is business. That individual is in that leadership role for a reason. Leave democracy for the polls this upcoming Tuesday.

No more FP for QC? That's means no more QC Lab? Novartis is taking the stability? Because if they take the stability... it's over!

1. If you are a current employee, you seriously need friends. Discuss this crap with them and stop trying to Sabotage us.

2. If you are a former employee, you apparently can't let go. You're like a bad ex-boyfriend that keeps stalking his old girlfriend.

No more FP for QC? That's means no more QC Lab? Novartis is taking the stability? Because if they take the stability... it's over!

It sounds like you are getting some half truth information and extrapolating/filling in the blanks with your wildest imaginations. I must say you are a very pessimistic individual