Don't lie to your kid to get them to take a drug they are uncomfortable with!!! If your son finds out I bet he will be far more upset with you for lying and drugging him than doing a little better in school. Who are you doing this for anyway? Because I think you are drugging your child secretly for your own selfishreasons. if you actually wanted him to do better in school I would suggest talking to him. Ask him why he is not doing well in school, actually listen to what he says. ExPlain to him that having add and taking medication is nothing to be ashamed of, and explain how his teachers saw a difference in his school when he was on he meds. Be straight forward and honest, and if he still doesn't want to take the meds respect his wishes. Of he's still having problems with school find alternative sOlutions where you don't have to lie to your child, get a tutor, have a couple hours of just homework time every night, try to get him to join an academic club through his school. Just don't give your child drug without him knowing!! Can you imagine what a kid must feel when they figure out that their parents were secretly drugging them when they already said that they did not like taking that drug? Please, think about how your kid must feel