Is the North Carolina office being moved to Boston?
anonymous Guest anonymous   Sep 16, 2015 at 01:42: PM #21 anonymous Guest Is the North Carolina office being moved to Boston?
anonymous Guest anonymous   Oct 30, 2015 at 08:14: AM #22 anonymous Guest anonymous said: Is the North Carolina office being moved to Boston? Click to expand... "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!" This goes true with so many things at Greer.
anonymous said: Is the North Carolina office being moved to Boston? Click to expand... "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!" This goes true with so many things at Greer.
anonymous Guest anonymous   Dec 02, 2015 at 04:28: PM #23 anonymous Guest Chris should get a job with Webex after he is fired. Clearly, an expert presenter.