Vote For Change In 2024!

Do you know what obama's greatest achievement in life and as president was? obama's greatest achievement was being the first person of color to become president. That's it, nothing more.

Do you know what biden's greatest achievement is?

Crickets churping.
Obama gave us the affordable healthcare act. Remember how Trump was going to end that and replace it with something better? How’d that work out? Thank you John McCain!!!!!

Obama gave us the affordable healthcare act. Remember how Trump was going to end that and replace it with something better? How’d that work out? Thank you John McCain!!!!!

He had nothing to replace it with. How'd that work Donnie Boy - all that badmouthing of McCain? You sure showed him didn't ya? LOLOL. ;)

Let me state the obvious. Our country is failing miserably and that fact is proven through the school shootings and threats of violence in schools. Who is the enemy in these situations? Is there an actual enemy? If the media stopped glorifying these horrific acts would the violence among children and in general stop? It sure is easy for the media to move on and cover the next act of violence but it is nearly if not totally impossible for the victims' surviving familes to move on.

How many factors should be considered in analyzing why acts of violence are occurring in schools? Is it easier to blame video games, TV, the parents, and/or social media rather than to truly understand the underlying cause(s)?

It is hard to develop a hypothesis that could be logical to explain these events.

Let me state the obvious. Our country is failing miserably and that fact is proven through the school shootings and threats of violence in schools. Who is the enemy in these situations? Is there an actual enemy? If the media stopped glorifying these horrific acts would the violence among children and in general stop? It sure is easy for the media to move on and cover the next act of violence but it is nearly if not totally impossible for the victims' surviving familes to move on.

How many factors should be considered in analyzing why acts of violence are occurring in schools? Is it easier to blame video games, TV, the parents, and/or social media rather than to truly understand the underlying cause(s)?

It is hard to develop a hypothesis that could be logical to explain these events.
How about getting rid of the NRA and enacting some gun laws that are much more stringent and that are enforced. We should make it much more difficult to own and purchase guns. Many European countries have guns however every gun purchase must be registered. Make it illegal to have private sale of guns without registering the firearm. I’m sure you are seething at these suggestions but maybe your mind would be changed if your kid got shot up in school.

Let me state the obvious. Our country is failing miserably and that fact is proven through the school shootings and threats of violence in schools. Who is the enemy in these situations? Is there an actual enemy? If the media stopped glorifying these horrific acts would the violence among children and in general stop? It sure is easy for the media to move on and cover the next act of violence but it is nearly if not totally impossible for the victims' surviving familes to move on.

How many factors should be considered in analyzing why acts of violence are occurring in schools? Is it easier to blame video games, TV, the parents, and/or social media rather than to truly understand the underlying cause(s)?

It is hard to develop a hypothesis that could be logical to explain these events.
Let me state the obvious. Our country is failing miserably and that fact is proven through the school shootings and threats of violence in schools. Who is the enemy in these situations? Is there an actual enemy? If the media stopped glorifying these horrific acts would the violence among children and in general stop? It sure is easy for the media to move on and cover the next act of violence but it is nearly if not totally impossible for the victims' surviving familes to move on.

How many factors should be considered in analyzing why acts of violence are occurring in schools? Is it easier to blame video games, TV, the parents, and/or social media rather than to truly understand the underlying cause(s)?

It is hard to develop a hypothesis that could be logical to explain these events.

Excellent post, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The current administration has gone to far to the left - especially with finances and yes, 45 set it up with his income tax crewcut. And the Trump blathering and self-focus with his personality of childish outburst leadership was dysfunctional for a POTUS. Example - his current battle om McConnell. He has hit a wall in his efforts to oust Mitch McConnell as GOP leader.

Despite months of gestapo attacks, the Trump-led campaign to depose the Senate minority leader has resulted in firm pledges from just two Republican candidates and no senators, and it has failed to turn up a formidable challenger to run against McConnell.

Inside the Capitol, conservative senators shrug at the question, revealing a lack of appetite even among the GOP’s anti-establishment wing and continued strong support for McConnell as leader.

Voters “care more about what you do as a senator, what you bring up, what you voted against, how you fight for it,” said Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), who won in 2020 with Trump’s endorsement and believes McConnell is doing “a good job.”

So hey DT, thud !!!

It's time for some reasonable leadership. The best thing Biden has done is get the Orange blob out of office. But now it's time to let bygones be bygones and find new leadership. Let's see if the mainstream GOP can regain its senses and ditto for the Dems.

How about getting rid of the NRA and enacting some gun laws that are much more stringent and that are enforced. We should make it much more difficult to own and purchase guns. Many European countries have guns however every gun purchase must be registered. Make it illegal to have private sale of guns without registering the firearm. I’m sure you are seething at these suggestions but maybe your mind would be changed if your kid got shot up in school.

Don't assume you know how I am going to react. I agree with some of the things that you suggest. It would make sense to require those wanting to own a gun to take a class before making the purchase. In that class one will learn how to clean a gun, store a gun, the laws and responsibilities of gun ownership, etc. Before you can purchase the gun, you should have to pass an exam based on what you learned in the course. You can't just start driving a car on the freeways. You need a driver’s license which requires drivers’ education and passing exams. Something similar should be enacted for gun ownership. That said, the gun works exactly how it is supposed to work at these school shootings and it certainly is not the gun's fault. While these suggestions may help prevent future violence from occurring in schools, it does not explain why it is occurring.

Excellent post, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The current administration has gone to far to the left - especially with finances and yes, 45 set it up with his income tax crewcut. And the Trump blathering and self-focus with his personality of childish outburst leadership was dysfunctional for a POTUS. Example - his current battle om McConnell. He has hit a wall in his efforts to oust Mitch McConnell as GOP leader.

Despite months of gestapo attacks, the Trump-led campaign to depose the Senate minority leader has resulted in firm pledges from just two Republican candidates and no senators, and it has failed to turn up a formidable challenger to run against McConnell.

Inside the Capitol, conservative senators shrug at the question, revealing a lack of appetite even among the GOP’s anti-establishment wing and continued strong support for McConnell as leader.

Voters “care more about what you do as a senator, what you bring up, what you voted against, how you fight for it,” said Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), who won in 2020 with Trump’s endorsement and believes McConnell is doing “a good job.”

So hey DT, thud !!!

It's time for some reasonable leadership. The best thing Biden has done is get the Orange blob out of office. But now it's time to let bygones be bygones and find new leadership. Let's see if the mainstream GOP can regain its senses and ditto for the Dems.

Who represents the "average American family" in Washington? I realize that lobbyists represent the various corporations, special interest groups, big banks, etc... I am more than my job. I am more than my financial institution. Furthermore, my interests don't coincide with their interests. So, who is representing the typical American in Washington?

Don't assume you know how I am going to react. I agree with some of the things that you suggest. It would make sense to require those wanting to own a gun to take a class before making the purchase. In that class one will learn how to clean a gun, store a gun, the laws and responsibilities of gun ownership, etc. Before you can purchase the gun, you should have to pass an exam based on what you learned in the course. You can't just start driving a car on the freeways. You need a driver’s license which requires drivers’ education and passing exams. Something similar should be enacted for gun ownership. That said, the gun works exactly how it is supposed to work at these school shootings and it certainly is not the gun's fault. While these suggestions may help prevent future violence from occurring in schools, it does not explain why it is occurring.
Violence is probably occurring in schools because the general population has become horrible selfish and self centered. Take a look at the evangelicals- everything about money and hate. Children experienced the trump presidency where they basically saw a sociopath selfish junior high bully being exalted. How do you think they feel about that deep inside??? Very confusing for them I do believe. This country is basically sick and yet they see people talking about how great the US is. I don’t see anything great in the general population of the US right now.
I do see a president who really cares about people being denigrated by the right. In my humble opinion he is a genuinely decent guy but the right wing “Christians” don’t like that anymore. They want a cheating lying sociopath. Who are the kids doing the shooting? Look at their families and maybe you can determine their background. Most of these killers come from right wing families. And then they watch Rittenhouse shoot and kill 2 people and get off. Think the Crumbley kid didn’t notice that? Ever think perhaps he thought he could shoot up his school and then get off because he felt threatened??? SIck.

Trump's children seem to be pretty well adjusted responsible adults. Hunter Biden - not so much.
I love the photo of the trump brothers slaughtering animals in Africa…even an elephant…Such brave boys!!! Also love that Eric trump ripped off charities. Such well adjusted children. Oh and don’t forget cocaine breath Don Jr. His eyes tell it all- especially when he’s high on coke.

I love the photo of the trump brothers slaughtering animals in Africa…even an elephant…Such brave boys!!! Also love that Eric trump ripped off charities. Such well adjusted children. Oh and don’t forget cocaine breath Don Jr. His eyes tell it all- especially when he’s high on coke.
Donnie Jr is worse than Eric. They are both useless losers

  1. I see biden as a mentally ill senior citizen dressed up pretending to be something he is not.
  2. R.D. in Florida should run for President.

"The majority of men ... are not capable of thinking, but only of believing, and ... are not accessible to reason, but only to authority." -- Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher