Voice of the Employee Survey


What a glorious day---just finished connecting an found this little nugget in my in box---i am a tingle waiting to answer these questions---this is the high point of the year in regards to ridding oneself of 9 months of anguish-----a couple of 750ML of Merlot and off we go!!!!!!


The purpose of the survey is to determine who are the malcontents before next year's layoff list are determined. Complain, you score low. Your low scores are added to those fine evaluations you were given the last 2 years and bingo, you are on the A list to be let go. Want a high score let them know how happy you are with the company, strategy, and all those fine upper management folks.

What a glorious day---just finished connecting an found this little nugget in my in box---i am a tingle waiting to answer these questions---this is the high point of the year in regards to ridding oneself of 9 months of anguish-----a couple of 750ML of Merlot and off we go!!!!!!

When i first started with Merck, I answered the surveys honestly believing that our input was of value -- fast forward a few years and it became clear that this was an exercise in futility.

Our voice is heard when we say what upper management wants to hear. They do not want to hear the truth; for them if you speak your mind, you are being "negative". You are then flagged as being negative, not a team player, and therefore a liability to Merck.

My advice to the above poster - forget the survey - why spoil a good Merlot?

When i first started with Merck, I answered the surveys honestly believing that our input was of value -- fast forward a few years and it became clear that this was an exercise in futility.

Our voice is heard when we say what upper management wants to hear. They do not want to hear the truth; for them if you speak your mind, you are being "negative". You are then flagged as being negative, not a team player, and therefore a liability to Merck.

My advice to the above poster - forget the survey - why spoil a good Merlot?

I answered honestly, happy and content but a few comments for better results. Hope that last part is not taken the wrong way.

Seems hard to believe that the company would waste its time keeping track of how people score 5 surveys! A manager can tell upper management who has a negative attitude, or at least they think they can. I wont ever lie and say my manager leads or coaches well, or any of the other questions. Just be honest! Its the only chance out of 2 in the year to be honest to your managers boss. I am not going to be a wuss afraid of retaliation. Did you ever wonder if they are trying to catch managers not doing what they are supposed to so they can roast them? If they dont care and do nothing, so be it. Maybe they do these to prove to the shareholders that employees are more engaged beacuse they have a voice.

If you hold the survey up to a mirror, the first line actually reads "Whoever completes this survey honestly is a total goddamned idiot". Sort of a subliminal message, wouldn't you say?

If you hold the survey up to a mirror, the first line actually reads "Whoever completes this survey honestly is a total goddamned idiot". Sort of a subliminal message, wouldn't you say?

LMAO!!! Very well put - thanks. You have to have a great sense of humor to survive in this idiotically run company for sure.

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