VOCE Capital Launches Proxy Fight

Accession Number 1546927-13-238 · SEC File 5-39820

Plant from Voce - take your money and clear off back to the rock you crawled from under. If you are unhappy about the way the company is run, sell your stock and take your profit and clear off.

This company is more that just a bunch of people in upstate NY. There are many of us who have worked hard to build this business and vultures like Voce think that they know better.

Mr Plant and his cronies, who I bet have never done a full days work in their lives, clearly have an agenda and perhaps a couple of grudges against the 'Utica crew'. He did work for Needhams after all and he is probably using information from his former employment with them to promote his proxy battle.

Voce will not win - they have no idea who or what they are dealing with.....corporate vulture scumbags!

Are you kidding me!!! How can you defend the idiots in Utica? I'm not a fan of VOCE but I am a fan of a board of directors that doesn't hire relatives, invests in the company they're tasked with running, achieve EPS by actually hitting the sales projections, and basically run a company the opposite from the JC family.

Accession Number 1546927-13-238 · SEC File 5-39820

Plant from Voce - take your money and clear off back to the rock you crawled from under. If you are unhappy about the way the company is run, sell your stock and take your profit and clear off.

This company is more that just a bunch of people in upstate NY. There are many of us who have worked hard to build this business and vultures like Voce think that they know better.

Mr Plant and his cronies, who I bet have never done a full days work in their lives, clearly have an agenda and perhaps a couple of grudges against the 'Utica crew'. He did work for Needhams after all and he is probably using information from his former employment with them to promote his proxy battle.

Voce will not win - they have no idea who or what they are dealing with.....corporate vulture scumbags!

"They have no idea who or what they are dealing with" Please don't tell me that the Corasanti's are planning on sending Luca Brasi on a visit to Dan from Voce, Jerry from Coppersmith, and Steve from Camber. Not to mention the rest of the 98% non employee owners of Conmed Stock. If that is the plan "fa getta bou it"

Accession Number 1546927-13-238 · SEC File 5-39820

Plant from Voce - take your money and clear off back to the rock you crawled from under. If you are unhappy about the way the company is run, sell your stock and take your profit and clear off.

This company is more that just a bunch of people in upstate NY. There are many of us who have worked hard to build this business and vultures like Voce think that they know better.

Mr Plant and his cronies, who I bet have never done a full days work in their lives, clearly have an agenda and perhaps a couple of grudges against the 'Utica crew'. He did work for Needhams after all and he is probably using information from his former employment with them to promote his proxy battle.

Voce will not win - they have no idea who or what they are dealing with.....corporate vulture scumbags!

Dan Plants, YOU ARE MY HERO!!! Please stay and continue your effort to get 4 new board members elected. You and the guys from Camber and Coppersmith are the only reason our stock has moved from $31 up to $48 per share. I know I speak for most of the shareholders when I say you have our full support, and will have our votes in May, and we hope you continue with your efforts and will be able to get us a minimum of $72 per share or $2 Billion for all of Conmed. If ARTC was able to get $1.7 Billion, we certainly should be worth $2 Billion. As far as the most of the employee's at Linvatec, they will be better off aligned with a larger company who can invest in the company, and have selling power with GPO's and individual hospitals, which we presently do not! We can all see where Global Health Care is going, and if your not properly aligned in the future, you have no future. GOD BLESS YOU, DAN!!! YOUR THE BEST FRIEND CONMED SHAREHOLDERS HAVE EVER HAD!!!!!

How much Conmed Stock do you have to own, to be able to vote? I'm thinking I would like to buy some stock, just so I can say I helped vote these d bags off the the board.

Thanks for that information about how the vote works. I'm talking about the current board. I'm a Linvatec rep and I want some new products! That's not going to happen with the current board being in power! But then again, I think we all know that.

Be careful what you wish for. Current reps will have to compete and fight to keep their territories after Conmed is sold. That's if they even give you the chance to apply.

So, any news? It's so quiet out here that there's got to be something going on behind the scenes. Any date yet for the shareholders meeting that ConMed pushed to July - if it's a down Q2 it's going to be a very interesting meeting with VOCE attending.

Voce fought and lost - bye bye Dan Plants - back under your rock like a sore loser!

Yes the preliminary vote count without a review or challange appears that Voce lost, although rumor has it that it was very close. But at least you have to admit that Voce was up front and stated that there goal was to find a strategic buyer for Conmed or us at Linvatec where we might have a better chance to compete. So what do you think the goals of Lande and Hartman are? We know that Lande paid over $55 million in Dec 2013 for his Conmed stock position. We know that they lied and signed agreements that they would not be involved in the management of the company for 2 years in order to get seats on the Board. We know they drove the Corasanti's out faster than anyone thought possible. We know that there 3rd member of there team is out of Bain, the Boston Private Equity firm. So do you think that Lande, Hartman, and Bain have also "crawled out from under a rock" or "fell from heaven like a white knight on a horse" to protect us all and keep things the way they were under the Corasanti's? Do you think that Lande and Coppersmith got into this at $37 a share with hopes of driving this company, against who we compete against, into a stock price of what? At 39.50 we are already trading at a PE multible of over 30 versus the rest of the market average of 18. With revenue declining, there is only one way to keep earnings up and increasing. Are you aware of what the goals are in private equity buyouts? Do you think that Lande, Hartman, and Bain are in this for the long term good of Conmed and Linvatec employees, or do you think they are in this to make money for primarily Lande, Hartman, and Bain?

It's too bad that this new board can't make any management changes for two years. So in the next two years, how can anything even change? I know there's no new products being released in 2015, and this management team hasn't changed one bit yet. Any other takes on what's up with this?

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