Virtual Signaling at Genentech

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. MLK, Jr

“Poor kids are just as smart as white kids” - JB

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” - MLK, Jr.

Genentech is like Gino and Carlo of Northbeach. They only want your money. Order a pizza as an Asian and you get punched in the fade for it. How many talented male Asians get promoted? If you are an Asian Male that works at Genentech. Ask yourself. Why you are not manager after all these years. Asian hate is real.

Now, if you are not prepared to do that, we do have an agenda that we must follow. And our agenda calls for withdrawing economic support from you."

And so, as a result of this, we are asking you tonight, to go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis. Go by and tell them not to buy Sealtest milk.

We are choosing these companies because they haven't been fair in their hiring policies; and we are choosing them because they can begin the process of saying they are going to support the needs and the rights of these men who are on strike.

MLK- I Have A Dream Speech

Let's face facts, in our business, people do not say what they mean or mean what they say. It's all a front to project whatever people think you want them to hear. Professional sociopaths. That's why blogs like this are total bs. Most of the time people just want to irritate others. Just laugh.

To whomever started this- it’s VIRTUE* signaling not virtual. If you’re going be racist the least you can do is spell things correctly

I didn’t start this thread, but certainly can understand “virtual” due to the virtual world we are living in. Most likely a simple mistake.

I am replying because you believe anyone calling out the frauds in our D&I Department are racist. I believe the people running that department, and most of our leadership are the true racists. Most of us judge people on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.