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Virginia League for Planned Parenthood Committing RAPE!

I Love America


The Virginia League for Planned Parenthood didn’t immediately return calls yesterday. But here’s what it said on the recording for its abortion services information hotline:
“Patients who have a surgical abortion generally come in for two appointments. At the first visit we do a health assessment, perform all the necessary lab work, and do an ultrasound. This visit generally takes about an hour. At the second visit, the procedure takes place. This visit takes about an hour as well. For out of town patients for whom it would be difficult to make two trips to our office, we’re able to schedule both the initial appointment and the procedure on the same day.
Medical abortions generally require three visits. At the first visit, we do a health assessment, perform all the necessary lab work, and do an ultrasound. This visit takes about an hour. At the second visit, the physician gives the first pill and directions for taking two more pills at home. The third visit is required during which you will have an exam and another ultrasound.”

Poor Anal Boil is going to be beside himself that these women are being raped prior to getting an abortion. I mean that is how he defines it right? Let the spin begin




Yet ANOTHER deceptive and distorted post from ILA.

It is funny that ILA accuses other RP's of 'coming unhinged' when he has gone over the deep end to the point of no return.

This thread may be the most solid proof that readers have to date showing that anything ILA posts here on the Poli Board must be taken with more than a grain of salt. Be aware of ILA's lies and deliberate depections as he attempts to put forth his four dimensional views as fact.

Yet ANOTHER deceptive and distorted post from ILA.

It is funny that ILA accuses other RP's of 'coming unhinged' when he has gone over the deep end to the point of no return.

This thread may be the most solid proof that readers have to date showing that anything ILA posts here on the Poli Board must be taken with more than a grain of salt. Be aware of ILA's lies and deliberate depections as he attempts to put forth his four dimensional views as fact.

If ILA's language is deceptive and/or distorted, then so is RAB's for using identical language. Isn't logic fun?

To piss off a liberal tell him the truth.


The Virginia League for Planned Parenthood didn’t immediately return calls yesterday. But here’s what it said on the recording for its abortion services information hotline:
“Patients who have a surgical abortion generally come in for two appointments. At the first visit we do a health assessment, perform all the necessary lab work, and do an ultrasound. This visit generally takes about an hour. At the second visit, the procedure takes place. This visit takes about an hour as well. For out of town patients for whom it would be difficult to make two trips to our office, we’re able to schedule both the initial appointment and the procedure on the same day.
Medical abortions generally require three visits. At the first visit, we do a health assessment, perform all the necessary lab work, and do an ultrasound. This visit takes about an hour. At the second visit, the physician gives the first pill and directions for taking two more pills at home. The third visit is required during which you will have an exam and another ultrasound.”

Poor Anal Boil is going to be beside himself that these women are being raped prior to getting an abortion. I mean that is how he defines it right? Let the spin begin



Poor thing. The shanking he took has really unglued him.

Are you saying that any woman who CONSENTS to having sex with her boyfriend/husband is fair game to have a stranger stand in front of her home and not allow her access to it unless he sticks his unwanted penis in her that makes it NOT rape because she agreed to have her mate do it?


and that one earned you a code red alert for "DESPERATE"

If ILA's post is deceptive and/or distorted, then so is RAB's for using identical language. Isn't logic fun?

To piss off a liberal tell him the truth.

Most everything ILA posts here is deceptive and distorted. Your advanced dementia doesn't allow you to see past his lies.

To piss off a conservative remind them of the facts: Ronald Reagan legalized abortion as Governor of California.

Poor thing. The shanking he took has really unglued him.

Are you saying that any woman who CONSENTS to having sex with her boyfriend/husband is fair game to have a stranger stand in front of her home and not allow her access to it unless he sticks his unwanted penis in her that makes it NOT rape because she agreed to have her mate do it?


and that one earned you a code red alert for "DESPERATE"

I am merely using the definition you used. Are you saying you don't want to use that definition anymore?

I guess finding out that planned parenthood actually does ultrasounds has you a bit sheepish.

But, you called it rape. Now you seem a bit uncomfortable with that designation.

Seems odd. But, not surprising given your past history ;)

I am merely using the definition you used. Are you saying you don't want to use that definition anymore?

I guess finding out that planned parenthood actually does ultrasounds has you a bit sheepish.

But, you called it rape. Now you seem a bit uncomfortable with that designation.

Seems odd. But, not surprising given your past history ;)

Lets go back to basics....what is the definition of "rape"?


YOu seem to believe that there is no distinction between "consenting entry" and FORCED entry.

Planned Parenthood is committing rape by your definition


Do you know the difference between an abdominal and intravaginal ultrasound and WHEN they are used?

The medical community has ALREADY stated abdominal U/S are useless and medically unnecessary for fetus less than 12 weeks and are NOT performed.

Your link, for OBVIOUS BIASED REASONS, decided to leave out at what stage of pregnancy their cut and paste job was describing. Its apparent YOU fell for it like a good little dupe.

Performing this uncomfortable procedure UNNECESSARILY against the will of the patient and against the ADVISE OF THE DOCTOR under threat of jail is UNWANTED entry by the state....which is RAPE.


Do you know the difference between an abdominal and intravaginal ultrasound and WHEN they are used?

The medical community has ALREADY stated abdominal U/S are useless and medically unnecessary for fetus less than 12 weeks and are NOT performed.

Your link, for OBVIOUS BIASED REASONS, decided to leave out at what stage of pregnancy their cut and paste job was describing. Its apparent YOU fell for it like a good little dupe.

Performing this uncomfortable procedure UNNECESSARILY against the will of the patient and against the ADVISE OF THE DOCTOR under threat of jail is UNWANTED entry by the state....which is RAPE.

Spinning like a top I see. The Virginia law does not mandate the intravaginal ultrasound. It says "according to medical practice"

You claim that you can ONLY use intravaginal ultrasound for a baby less than 12 weeks.

Planned Parenthood says they perform an Ultrasound. They don't specify which. I can only assume that they adhere to standard medical practice which according to you if it is before 12 weeks (the legal limit for an abortion) then they have to do a intravaginal ultrasound which you claim is RAPE.

Why are you so confused all of a sudden. You make it sound like getting an ultrasound before an abortion is apostasy, yet Planned Parenthood of Virginia already does it. Seems to me that the legislature is merely codifying into law current practice at their state baby killing mill.

What is your beef? No more controversy. You can go home now.

And why are you so worried? You don't have a pussy. You shouldn't be talking about these things because you don't possess a uterus. Sheesh

Spinning like a top I see. The Virginia law does not mandate the intravaginal ultrasound. It says "according to medical practice"

You claim that you can ONLY use intravaginal ultrasound for a baby less than 12 weeks.

Planned Parenthood says they perform an Ultrasound. They don't specify which. I can only assume that they adhere to standard medical practice which according to you if it is before 12 weeks (the legal limit for an abortion) then they have to do a intravaginal ultrasound which you claim is RAPE.

Why are you so confused all of a sudden. You make it sound like getting an ultrasound before an abortion is apostasy, yet Planned Parenthood of Virginia already does it. Seems to me that the legislature is merely codifying into law current practice at their state baby killing mill.

What is your beef? No more controversy. You can go home now.

And why are you so worried? You don't have a pussy. You shouldn't be talking about these things because you don't possess a uterus. Sheesh

Good God, must I continue to smack you around.

If the law does not mandate the intravaginal ultrasound, which is the ONLY method to view a fetus less than 12 weeks because STANDARD MEDICAL PRACTICE RENDERS ABDOMINAL U/S is useless at that stage; then WHY is the wingnut Guv backing off and making THIS statement:

"Mandating an invasive procedure in order to give informed consent is not a proper role for the state," McDonnell said in a statement. "No person should be directed to undergo an invasive procedure by the state, without their consent, as a precondition to another medical procedure."

"For this reason ... I am requesting that the General Assembly amend this bill to explicitly state that no woman in Virginia will have to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound involuntarily.

What bill is he referring to bitch? WHAT?!?!??!:D


Good God, must I continue to smack you around.

If the law does not mandate the intravaginal ultrasound, which is the ONLY method to view a fetus less than 12 weeks because STANDARD MEDICAL PRACTICE RENDERS ABDOMINAL U/S is useless at that stage; then WHY is the wingnut Guv backing off and making THIS statement:

What bill is he referring to bitch? WHAT?!?!??!:D


McDonnell ran away in a hurry didn't he? Real courage of conviction on display. Maybe he heard about the frequent shanking that conservative posters endure daily.

Good God, must I continue to smack you around.

If the law does not mandate the intravaginal ultrasound, which is the ONLY method to view a fetus less than 12 weeks because STANDARD MEDICAL PRACTICE RENDERS ABDOMINAL U/S is useless at that stage; then WHY is the wingnut Guv backing off and making THIS statement:

What bill is he referring to bitch? WHAT?!?!??!:D


Then what method is Planned Parenthood using?

That pain you feel in your head is pride fuckin wit ya

RAB will not admit that the ridiculous nonsense of screaming rape so distorted the real issue, and the politicians 'folded' to quiet the extremist claims. Those with few brain cells are busy celebrating while the fact remains that a medically unnecessary test is still being mandated.

And yes, planned parenthood and any other medical facility will use the correct form of ultrasound if an ultrasound is medically warranted. It is still not rape.

RAB will not admit that the ridiculous nonsense of screaming rape so distorted the real issue, and the politicians 'folded' to quiet the extremist claims. Those with few brain cells are busy celebrating while the fact remains that a medically unnecessary test is still being mandated.

And yes, planned parenthood and any other medical facility will use the correct form of ultrasound if an ultrasound is medically warranted. It is still not rape.

First of all, let me again educate you on the Virginia statue defining "rape" and if this law meets that standard.

Title 18.2-67.2 Code of Va.
Definition: Penetration of the vagina or rectum with any object by force and against the will of the victim.
Penalty: 5 years to life imprisonment

Is there penetration by an inanimate object into the vagina involved with this bill? yes

Is it done by force? Yes...a doctor MUST perform this under penalty of law even though he feels its medically unnecessary. Yes

Is it against the will of the victim? Yes.....the woman did NOT want this done in order to exercise her rights.

To argue that this isnt rape because this procedure is done on other occasions when its medically necessary is like arguing that in order for you to exercise your constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech, you must submit to having a tooth pulled by the state in order to insure that you had good oral hygiene.


And secondly, you and the rest of the right are in NO condition to lecture ANYONE on proper political language. You yourself called the people fighting against this bill "extremists" but your party pushing this is given a pass.

For three years, we've heard words like "marxist", "totalitarianism", "death panels" and the like. So save your pearl clutching.

So when you can explain why its ok for the right wing to call TSA pat downs "gate rape" and how I describe this bill as being somehow different, then I will take your serious on this matte.


First of all, let me again educate you on the Virginia statue defining "rape" and if this law meets that standard.

Title 18.2-67.2 Code of Va.
Definition: Penetration of the vagina or rectum with any object by force and against the will of the victim.
Penalty: 5 years to life imprisonment

Is there penetration by an inanimate object into the vagina involved with this bill? yes

Is it done by force? Yes...a doctor MUST perform this under penalty of law even though he feels its medically unnecessary. Yes

Is it against the will of the victim? Yes.....the woman did NOT want this done in order to exercise her rights.

To argue that this isnt rape because this procedure is done on other occasions when its medically necessary is like arguing that in order for you to exercise your constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech, you must submit to having a tooth pulled by the state in order to insure that you had good oral hygiene.


And secondly, you and the rest of the right are in NO condition to lecture ANYONE on proper political language. You yourself called the people fighting against this bill "extremists" but your party pushing this is given a pass.

For three years, we've heard words like "marxist", "totalitarianism", "death panels" and the like. So save your pearl clutching.

So when you can explain why its ok for the right wing to call TSA pat downs "gate rape" and how I describe this bill as being somehow different, then I will take your serious on this matte.


I really don't care if you take me seriously. Nor do I care if you refuse to see that the idiocy of making this an extremist statement and calling it rape meant those against the bill won a concession and lost the war.

I really don't care if you take me seriously. Nor do I care if you refuse to see that the idiocy of making this an extremist statement and calling it rape meant those against the bill won a concession and lost the war.

But according to YOUR definition, those fighting against this are the "extremists". You should be happy if they lost the war...surely you don't support "extremists"?