Vikor Scientific


Can you even imagine how embarrassed your kid has to be that he has to tell people that he’s related to you? My lord I feel for him. And when you “bonded” with him through sports were you some teams tiny mascot?

Well Shawty is certainly active on this feed, sign of a true narcissist who can’t help himself. If he only focused on the business at hand Vikor might be in a better spot. Although their P & L is garbage with outrageous expenses no one will buy this dumpster fire. As reimbursement for PCR testing continues to decline, this company is in trouble.

Vikor is not being remotely acknowledged at any level in SC. Not by SCBIO, SCRA, and so on. And, they are in the same bldg!!!!

This is extremely difficult to do, as the state would acknowledge any semi-reputable company to push the life science industry in the state.. IS this a product of your "better lifestyle, than everybody else", your "success"? give us a break. typical all talk, no walk.

SCBIO seems to go out of their way to mention everyone BUT Vikor.

Fraud4Life….thats you shorty….you are a FRAUD
Wow... rumor is ... pay is being slashed for top performers.... people are being let go after 3 months... Managers aren’t answering calls.... the Crap show that is Vikor seems to be imploding.

Who would have guessed it could happen under the leadership of Scotty? You know, besides most people.

Running 10s of OpenArray / day. Arrays cost 800 apiece. Westedage rent, hundreds of sales people. PCR reimbursement has never been significant. Vikor had no STD panel that would actually reimburse.Scotty saying how profitable they are. Just doesnt add up.

The other person on this thread, that knows what they are talking about....please weigh in!!

OMG, If anyone would like some interesting reading, go to Vikor‘s website and see the updated three sections on compliance and ethics!

It’s a laugh out loud read that was recently added complete with a fake compliance email address that is just an empty link and a compliance hotline that probably goes straight to SB just in case anyone wants to actually report all the wrongdoing there he can ignore it or have them fired, threaten their family etc…

Obviously Feds have gotten to him and scared him into posting an over the top compliance and ethics policy on their webpage that is so obviously all for show. Unbelievable .

anyone who has ever worked there knows that they encourage every compliance violation that benefits their bottom line!

Hey shorty......where can I read Vikor's clinical validations? Ohhhh, that's right, there aren't any.
Where can I ready peer reviewed publications on Vikor's testing? Ohhhh, that's right, there aren't any.
You see folks, this is the direct result when you have 2 "non-clinical" nutbags try the lab business. They have no idea what they are doing and think they can bilk the system. Picking these people off is quite easy.

Hey shorty......where can I read Vikor's clinical validations? Ohhhh, that's right, there aren't any.
Where can I ready peer reviewed publications on Vikor's testing? Ohhhh, that's right, there aren't any.
You see folks, this is the direct result when you have 2 "non-clinical" nutbags try the lab business. They have no idea what they are doing and think they can bilk the system. Picking these people off is quite easy.
whining bitch