Vikor Scientific

His wife reading up wouldn’t take much. A piss ant garbage man, a gas station attendant, a Walmart greeter, a burger flipper at Burger King, anyone is an upgrade over short stack.

I hope the vikor board and Shortys neighbors and yacht buddies read these post and know what a true loser he is.

Agreed that trading up wouldn’t take much. Good for her if she’s leaving the dirt bag, Shorty can go back to Hicksville MS and feel at home in lunch box Mercedes suv.

Donkey at large - align yourself with losers like Jamie, Derrickson, Mike Fig, Katie, and the list goes on and in. What a dumpster fire you’ve built.

His wife reading up wouldn’t take much. A piss ant garbage man, a gas station attendant, a Walmart greeter, a burger flipper at Burger King, anyone is an upgrade over short stack.

I hope the vikor board and Shortys neighbors and yacht buddies read these post and know what a true loser he is.
As though anyone would take internet tantrums of petulant children seriously

This thread is great - only Shorty could find himself in a hole so deep.

All I can say is thank you for my check every 2 weeks but can’t wait to resign as I feel I’m working for the devil as I read these posts.

That sounds like your price point, especially after your new budget and comp plan you put in place.

Surprised you didn’t offer up Waffle House or some other Mississippi crap hole.

How many samples you picking up today or is this stools only Wednesday?
Make sure you code them correctly, nothing worse than upcoding for something you didn’t really do.

That’s Vikor’s mission, upcoding should be Walters middle name. Imagine his new flat brim hat with WUB on it. Walter Upcode Branch.

WUB might be the next company he takes to market that FAILS,

Did I strike a nerve Stubby - I mean Shorty