
Full age sex set feel her told. Tastes giving in passed direct me valley as supply. End great stood boy noisy often way taken short.
where the bobby restrained you making sugarstuck pouts to the ghostwhite horse of the Peppers. Throw the cobwebs from your eyes, woman, and spread your washing proper! It's well I know your sort of slop. Flap! Ireland sober is Ireland stiff.

where the bobby restrained you making sugarstuck pouts to the ghostwhite horse of the Peppers. Throw the cobwebs from your eyes, woman, and spread your washing proper! It's well I know your sort of slop. Flap! Ireland sober is Ireland stiff.
The new corporate Bot folks. Confuse them so they quit posting. Sounds about right for this bottom tier company.

The new corporate Bot folks. Confuse them so they quit posting. Sounds about right for this bottom tier company.
They all talked at once, their voices insistent and contradictory and impatient, making of unreality a possibility, then a probability, then an incontrovertible fact, as people will when their desires become words

They all talked at once, their voices insistent and contradictory and impatient, making of unreality a possibility, then a probability, then an incontrovertible fact, as people will when their desires become words

"Sam! Saddle my horse!" Jody roared.
"You Sam!" Varner shouted. They both grasped the pistol now, the four hands
now apparently hopelessly inextricable in the open drawer. "Don't touch that horse! Come
back here this minute!"

I’ve talked to a few internals who claim this division is dead

Several questions: What happened to Marlon Pittman? Why was his personal life unraveling? When did Peter Hare leave? Are there any original HIV people left in the field or in-house?
Have many previous GSK / VIIV gone to Gilead or elsewhere? Who is the division HR person?

Not a fan of Fink, but why is it her fault about the 2DR failure? Seems to me the real issue are our CEO's, Emma and Deborah. ViiV was once a true small innovative powerhouse thanks to DTG. Just the right amount of TAM's generating billions. Then when GSK was gasping its last breaths they decided to move GSK managers over. Essentially throwing inept leaders a lifeline. Formerly known a the "good ole boy method". Those new leaders needed someone to manage so BANG! 2 reps per territory! Then 3 Reps. Then they added an Injectable sales team then another. This didn't just happen. GSK is alive and well at ViiV. Try as we may to have them shed the "big pharma" mentality it's become exhausting! This is still a true specialty selling space. It's just that our leaders still work with a 1989 selling mentality . I don't blame Fink, she is just doing what comes natural to her. Blame the CEO's. Just look at our share price. But don't you worry, they will have us believe it is our inability to sell that is the problem, just like it was back in 1989.