
In medicine, anytime you can achieve comparable efficacy results with similar or less adverse effects, you always choose less medication. ALWAYS! At least that is what is taught in medical school. If Dovato can continue to demonstrate low or no resistance over time, the mindset will shift. It all has to do with how DTG is designed and how effective it truly is. Now, will the market take note of what I mentioned? That is a different story. I predict that this division will be a "portfolio" of medications to help with our motto of no HIV patient left behind. We will continue to generate billions in sales and will be very profitable for GSK as a whole. The question becomes, how many reps are needed? How many RSDs are needed? In two years we will have a better picture. For now, continue to know that we have a great set of medications to promote. If you feel differently, you should go work for another company. No one is holding you here. You are free to leave at any time. Best of luck to all!
This is not a question of if there is emerging resistance, but when. See when resistance emerges to a 3 drug regimen, a practitioner knows that there was nothing different they could have done. When the same thing happens to a 2DR... well that is a different story. If a patient asks "Hey doc, but you said this is better for me and now you are telling me we have to change. How did that happen?" that will be pretty much the end of 2DR at that office.
The whole 2DR edifice is built on the tenuous contention that there will be little to no emergent resistance. Resistance *always* emerges, the question is are you using the gold standard so that you can honestly say you couldn't have done anything more. The shot will be the most interesting play by far. It will demonstrate just how spectacularly wrong and out of touch the decision to venture into long acting was. "Hey doc can I come to your office monthly to have two injections, one in each buttock, instead of taking one pill once a day?" said no patient ever.

This is not a question of if there is emerging resistance, but when. See when resistance emerges to a 3 drug regimen, a practitioner knows that there was nothing different they could have done. When the same thing happens to a 2DR... well that is a different story. If a patient asks "Hey doc, but you said this is better for me and now you are telling me we have to change. How did that happen?" that will be pretty much the end of 2DR at that office.
The whole 2DR edifice is built on the tenuous contention that there will be little to no emergent resistance. Resistance *always* emerges, the question is are you using the gold standard so that you can honestly say you couldn't have done anything more. The shot will be the most interesting play by far. It will demonstrate just how spectacularly wrong and out of touch the decision to venture into long acting was. "Hey doc can I come to your office monthly to have two injections, one in each buttock, instead of taking one pill once a day?" said no patient ever.
True - but We were tricky in our clinical trials with Dovato. We excluded a ton of patients, to limit resistance. That way, we can go to providers and claim low resistance in our trials. In their practices, they can’t conveniently exclude patients like that. It’s all how we spin it.

This is why we call in a medical "practice". So many variables to contend with. For example, have a patient taking Biktarvy. Diarrhea so bad they cannot leave the house. Sure, they are suppressed but have no quality of life. What to do? Ahhh a less toxic option. One that when taken as directed will not see any resistance any sooner than a 3DR. Hmmm. What I am saying is that there is room in the sandbox for everyone. Gilead will have a larger portion of the box to play in, but there is room for everyone. This disease has so many components to it. ViiV's portfolio of meds are outstanding and second to a portfolio. So as I said, if you are so concerned with the products we promote, leave. And leave quickly! If all you want to do is bad mouth the company that pays you, LEAVE! Please, GTFO! I'm not angry, just mystified as to why you badmouth the organization that pays your mortgage. Please leave and find a company that better aligns with your opinions. I think ViiV is an amazing company with amazing products with an amazing company mission. Our medications are not for everyone but they help millions. So again, please leave to the utopian company you believe exists. And when you get there, let us know all about it. ...We won't be holding our breath. So please leave. Thank you.

ViiV's portfolio of meds are outstanding and second to a portfolio. So as I said, if you are so concerned with the products we promote, leave. And leave quickly! If all you want to do is bad mouth the company that pays you, LEAVE!

Your post lacks credibility. If what you noted above is true then why are >80% of HIV+ patients taking ARVs WORLDWIDE (which includes the US) on a Gilead product of some sort? Looks like that Kool Aid is tasting good for you. What flavor is it?

Your post lacks credibility. If what you noted above is true then why are >80% of HIV+ patients WORLDWIDE taking ARVs (which includes the US) on a Gilead product of some sort? Looks like that Kool Aid is tasting good for you. What flavor is it?

>80%??? Really? You realize that ViiV products generate over 6 billion in annual sales. Since that's the case, we are all more than happy to have 20% of the worldwide market. The fact is, you are the one who lacks credibility. You lack intelligence. It's a genetic thing so not your fault. So if 6 billion in annual sales with an injectable coming soon is where we are at...another round of KoolAid..on me!

>80%??? Really? You realize that ViiV products generate over 6 billion in annual sales. Since that's the case, we are all more than happy to have 20% of the worldwide market. The fact is, you are the one who lacks credibility. You lack intelligence. It's a genetic thing so not your fault. So if 6 billion in annual sales with an injectable coming soon is where we are at...another round of KoolAid..on me!
Unlike our 2DR launches that have gone poorly, our injectable better come out smoking or we will get crushed as soon as others come out, and layoffs will be quick, as GSK has a history of doing so. We are clearly 2nd best in the HIV space, 6 Billion and all, and that will not change any time soon. Fortunately, We really aren’t competing with other companies as our results are compared to other ViiV territories. We all know Biktarvy will be the elephant in the room for years to come, but there are still plenty of patients out there.

>80%??? Really? You realize that ViiV products generate over 6 billion in annual sales. Since that's the case, we are all more than happy to have 20% of the worldwide market. The fact is, you are the one who lacks credibility. You lack intelligence. It's a genetic thing so not your fault. So if 6 billion in annual sales with an injectable coming soon is where we are at...another round of KoolAid..on me!

>80%??? Really? You realize that ViiV products generate over 6 billion in annual sales. Since that's the case, we are all more than happy to have 20% of the worldwide market. The fact is, you are the one who lacks credibility. You lack intelligence. It's a genetic thing so not your fault. So if 6 billion in annual sales with an injectable coming soon is where we are at...another round of KoolAid..on me!

Yes! Really! Look it up Clown Soup! Your drinking your Kool-Aid through a fire hose I see, dummy.

Wow! The last post is a wee bit angry. I don't know about any of the claims being made on this thread. What I do know is that I am very proud to work for ViiV. They treat me well and provide me with a nice job. I have options..We all have options. I choose to be here. If you are unhappy you should really be doing something else. Not trying to provoke a fight with you. Just pointing out that you seem very unhappy. Look at it this way. ViiV offers patients excellent medications. They are necessary in the treatment of HIV. As I eluded to earlier, options are always a good thing. Go out and promote the positives in an ethical way. Feel good about it. Stop looking at others and comparing. Otherwise, you will continue to be unhappy.

Wow! The last post is a wee bit angry. I don't know about any of the claims being made on this thread. What I do know is that I am very proud to work for ViiV. They treat me well and provide me with a nice job. I have options..We all have options. I choose to be here. If you are unhappy you should really be doing something else. Not trying to provoke a fight with you. Just pointing out that you seem very unhappy. Look at it this way. ViiV offers patients excellent medications. They are necessary in the treatment of HIV. As I eluded to earlier, options are always a good thing. Go out and promote the positives in an ethical way. Feel good about it. Stop looking at others and comparing. Otherwise, you will continue to be unhappy.
Idiot. Dolt. “They treat me nice and provide me with a nice job”. You moron. This isn’t Mr Roger’s Neighborhood. I worked there and the upper mgt quits faster than toilet water spins; middle management knows nothing about hiv because they were selling denture gel and toothpaste for the majority of their “sales” careers. Anyone with half a lick of knowledge quit years ago - you are on a ship of fools. If you are so pleased to have a paycheck above the national median then go be a hooker - you are already. And before you go down the path of “oh but we make so much money as a company” just remember that medicine in America is not a real market but is a false market of lobbyists manipulating the federal government into paying astronomical prices beyond any other country.

Wow! The last post is a wee bit angry. I don't know about any of the claims being made on this thread. What I do know is that I am very proud to work for ViiV. They treat me well and provide me with a nice job. I have options..We all have options. I choose to be here. If you are unhappy you should really be doing something else. Not trying to provoke a fight with you. Just pointing out that you seem very unhappy. Look at it this way. ViiV offers patients excellent medications. They are necessary in the treatment of HIV. As I eluded to earlier, options are always a good thing. Go out and promote the positives in an ethical way. Feel good about it. Stop looking at others and comparing. Otherwise, you will continue to be unhappy.
You are a prime example of why ViiV lost the battle in HIV meds; google alluded and eluded and learn something. Just because they hired you to go talk to medical professionals doesn’t mean you are on par with them or ready for prime time. Go back to middle school. Learn enough about critical thinking skills and then stop drinking the cool aid, jackass.

You are a prime example of why ViiV lost the battle in HIV meds; google alluded and eluded and learn something. Just because they hired you to go talk to medical professionals doesn’t mean you are on par with them or ready for prime time. Go back to middle school. Learn enough about critical thinking skills and then stop drinking the cool aid, jackass.

YOU are the prime example of why the battle was lost and the holes can’t be plugged fast enough for a ship taking on water. You focused on the spelling of a single word in the message instead of the content. Talk about missing the forest for the trees! Clearly, you understood the takeaway but you had no credible nor valid response so you focused on spelling to believe you were “really” making a point. You definitely aren’t “on par” and maybe should consider a teacher’s aid career so you can grade papers to check for grammatical and spelling errors. By the way it’s KOOL-AID not “cool aid.” Jackass!

New poster here - our company lost its way years ago when it decided to go with the 2 Drug strategy instead of replacing the flawed abacavir with a better backbone. We now find ourselves trying to change a market with no benefit to the patient (and actually most likely a huge detriment with resistance), only because it’s the only direction we can go. It was a nice ride up, but a really quick ride down.

YOU are the prime example of why the battle was lost and the holes can’t be plugged fast enough for a ship taking on water. You focused on the spelling of a single word in the message instead of the content. Talk about missing the forest for the trees! Clearly, you understood the takeaway but you had no credible nor valid response so you focused on spelling to believe you were “really” making a point. You definitely aren’t “on par” and maybe should consider a teacher’s aid career so you can grade papers to check for grammatical and spelling errors. By the way it’s KOOL-AID not “cool aid.” Jackass!
Only white trash would know the proprietary spelling of a brand of a sugary toxic drink for children. (PS you done been punked)

YOU are the prime example of why the battle was lost and the holes can’t be plugged fast enough for a ship taking on water. You focused on the spelling of a single word in the message instead of the content. Talk about missing the forest for the trees! Clearly, you understood the takeaway but you had no credible nor valid response so you focused on spelling to believe you were “really” making a point. You definitely aren’t “on par” and maybe should consider a teacher’s aid career so you can grade papers to check for grammatical and spelling errors. By the way it’s KOOL-AID not “cool aid.” Jackass!
I am not part of the problem; I worked HIV through the darkest days of the epidemic and did the real work and dealt with people shunned by almost all of society - now that it is neat and tidy you carpet baggers have shown up to “get specialty experience.” I quit ViiV because I saw the writing on the wall and I wouldn’t stay and ruin my reputation by working for a third rate organization. Maybe you see ViiV as an advancement after consumer products or respiratory division, but ViiV is not leading in the market. I won’t stay anywhere just for the money, finding really rewarding work is worth the discomfort of transitioning to something better, which is what I did. By the way, you slammed teaching and that says volumes about you; teachers are infinitely more valuable to society than third rate drug reps. (You done been punked again fool)

I am not part of the problem; I worked HIV through the darkest days of the epidemic and did the real work and dealt with people shunned by almost all of society - now that it is neat and tidy you carpet baggers have shown up to “get specialty experience.” I quit ViiV because I saw the writing on the wall and I wouldn’t stay and ruin my reputation by working for a third rate organization. Maybe you see ViiV as an advancement after consumer products or respiratory division, but ViiV is not leading in the market. I won’t stay anywhere just for the money, finding really rewarding work is worth the discomfort of transitioning to something better, which is what I did. By the way, you slammed teaching and that says volumes about you; teachers are infinitely more valuable to society than third rate drug reps. (You done been punked again fool)
well said!

Post #51 has an anger issue. Calm down. If this company is so flawed, why do you remain? It's a simple direct and fair question. Why would you stay? If you know so much and have so much talent, why have you not left for a better gig?

New poster here - our company lost its way years ago when it decided to go with the 2 Drug strategy instead of replacing the flawed abacavir with a better backbone. We now find ourselves trying to change a market with no benefit to the patient (and actually most likely a huge detriment with resistance), only because it’s the only direction we can go. It was a nice ride up, but a really quick ride down.
This is spot on accurate....