Viiv Lies about m184v and taf

Look at your future HIV R&D. All 2DR. Are any of you aware of the pending litigation of IP infringement? It's all but a done deal. Your company will be paying out billions in penalties and fines. Don't take my word for it, just do a little research. Lies always catch up to you. The clock is ticking..tick tock.

Look at your future HIV R&D. All 2DR. Are any of you aware of the pending litigation of IP infringement? It's all but a done deal. Your company will be paying out billions in penalties and fines. Don't take my word for it, just do a little research. Lies always catch up to you. The clock is ticking..tick tock.
We have the billions, thanks to your companies ridiculous launch of Dovato (worst drug launch in history). As a matter of fact, Biktarvy alone should generate $10 Billion next year alone, well over twice what ALL OF VIIV generates. Get off the big boys site, go argue with the Symtuza reps for your crumbs, peasant.

Give it a little time. We'll see who laughs last. Major litigation coming your way. Again, don't take my word on this. Just do a simple Google search. Then bring the question up next week at your national meeting. Don't listen to what your leadership says, watch their eyes, the hesitation with their response and the vague answer you receive. Bet most of you were not even aware of this litigation. Tick-tock...Kabooom!!! It's a matter of time.

Of course there is issues... the hepatitis c division overcharged and went off label for years. The HIV division lied about data to switch Rxs and insurance companies have been researching the tdf and taf issues, generic prep and then there is data that didn't exist in trials that now real world shows blips and failures... good luck gilead.

it’s incredible to see the amount of misinformation and mud slinging here. The only thing real world data is proving is Biktarvy is the best option for most patients. Viiv has a place in the market which is about 3% market share. 2 drugs are a nice idea but what’s available is the wrong 2 drugs and dovato tries to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.

facts remain, viiv overcharges for the lamivudine component which is thrown out from m184v which again was excluded in trials to scu the data.

This entire blip conversation is just irresponsible to patients and providers as it’s just lies. Sure there are 1-offs...most of those patients still achieved viral suppression after a blip. So maybe a couple out of a hundred thousand?

The comment on hep-c makes no sense as it was Launched at market value far below a liver transplant and bested pegalated interfuron at the time by a mile. The reason there was pushback is it wasn’t in business plans of insurers. Who would have guessed patients would want to be cured?

Insurers looking at generic TDf is a joke. Dummy ... they want to drive costs down and don’t care about patients. You aren’t in industry If you think differently as that’s a fact. Look at what United has tried to do over the years. If they had their way, all patients would be on simfilo.