Victors get to write history

I really like the part where she admits the shorts are trading off of inside information from whistleblowers.

Her vocabulary is maybe 5th grade level and she is clearly incredibly paranoid.

Hope she gets real professional help from a mental health counselor.

Can't believe she is divorced how could he leave this mess ....

Can't believe she is divorced how could he leave this mess ....

She left him. For a TX distributor who she thought was in love with her. This was all happening while she was married with kids. But then he realized she was batshizzle cray cray and dumped her.

Now she's just an unstable single mom who makes guests appearances on that delusional chicken farmer's rant show.

Side bar: Watching Munda on twitter is comical. Dude has zero clue how pharma works. He's now left trolling linkedin looking for signs the company is still going under. Sad life with no purpose.

Is that the guy that was interviewed about Mimidex that went from bullish to bearish and the CEO said something about him ?
The guy that kinda looks like mini version of Fred Flintstone ?

He needs a hobby or a girlfriend/boyfriend .... pathetic

move on people

She left him. For a TX distributor who she thought was in love with her. This was all happening while she was married with kids. But then he realized she was batshizzle cray cray and dumped her.

Now she's just an unstable single mom who makes guests appearances on that delusional chicken farmer's rant show.

Side bar: Watching Munda on twitter is comical. Dude has zero clue how pharma works. He's now left trolling linkedin looking for signs the company is still going under. Sad life with no purpose.