Victoria's Secret: makes one think twice about buying there.

Apparently it is their policy to discard/destroy returned merchandise. They can't give this clothing to the needy or marginalized? I don't get it!

I used to have a very hot friend back in Michigan, who used to wear pink brand shorts over her gorgeous little ass. She and her hubby met us in Jamaica twice, and we hot-tubbed naked at our house many times, and swam at her place naked once. Every time I think of Pink, I think of her. She would fuck her hubby any way he wanted it.

Swimming naked and naked hot tubbing are just plain good summer fun. :cool:

Another good one is fucking outside.

Swimming naked and naked hot tubbing are just plain good summer fun. :cool:

Another good one is fucking outside.

Damn right you are, to all of the above. If you have never fucked under the stars on a warm, dry, night, you haven't lived. Nudity is such a great equalizer. I checked out her fake titties and ass once, and I was good. She's a friend and it would be weird if it ever happened. Having friends that are into that are the best. I only wished that they were more exhibitionist. I always wanted to see what she fucked like.

Apparently it is their policy to discard/destroy returned merchandise. They can't give this clothing to the needy or marginalized? I don't get it!

So a lady returns clothing and Victoria Secrets destroys it. So what?

How do they know it wasn't worn? Do they just take her word for it? Because people would never lie right?

I guess they could give it to a homeless shelter because nothing would make a homeless woman feel better about herself than some slinky undies. :rolleyes:

Hey boys....obviously some of you have never entered a VS store. We are not talking about underwear here! Underwear has a no return policy. We're talking about robes, sweat pants etc. If someone returns $50plus "Pink" sweat pants or a sweatshirt, then they SHOULD go to a homeless shelter. Someone would appreciate them there.

'Washing and wearing' for some poor people is nothing. Destroying warm, wearable clothes is a disgrace.

PS: ...and yes, I've done midnight runs for the homeless and it made me sick what we saw/witnessed. I don't agree with VS policy out of a sense of compassion.

Maybe VS feels having homeless and poor people in VS high dollar clothing degrades the image of that clothing---all sorts of prejudice out there.

On this topic, here's my 'bitchelatte' for today.

I've lost 20 lbs over the past 2 1/2 months and yesterday, decided to clean my shirt/sweater closet. I took about a dozen shirts and sweaters, all clean, all hung on nice hangers to Salvation Army (probably $500 retail, clean, good, warm, used clothing). I waited and waited at the back door drop off. Finally I yoo hood and then whistled a few times. After about what seemed like 10 minutes, a guy appears and he's visibly pissed - 1st) because I whistled and 2nd because the clothes weren't in a plastic bag. His attitude was just plain nasty and he informed me that clothes not in bags 'just get thrown away'. So I bit my tongue, tried being nice and asked if I should take them home, bag them and bring them back another time since I have another closet to clean out. This pisses him off even more and he says, "No - I'll try to find a bag." and glares at me.

By then I'm pissed and almost grabbed them back to take them to another charity but tried to imagine someone getting good use of the clothes and figuring that need was more important than my ego. I realize, he's probably in recovery and volunteering and maybe in a bad mood this morning but attitude speaks louder than words and I'm thinking this weekend, when I clean out the other closet, I'll just find another charity.

There's an old saying my momma taught me, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

Any comments?

I will probably get blasted for this but so be it: I NEVER give anything to the Salvation Army (and rarely Goodwill). They take what I "give" to them and SELL it!!! I know, I know, "some" of the stuff they give away; but NOT much of it.

If I wanted to charge someone for it, I would have had a garage sale; but when I GIVE it, I want them to GIVE it to someone that needs it!

There is an organization that I give to all the time and they never charge anyone for any of the items; they are given to others that need it.

I haven't had a garage sale in years! But going to have one this summer sometime. I called this consignment place today because I have about 10 very nice suits (some still with the price tag on it) and they told me they had to come in bags; OH and they are not taking anything but tank tops and capris right now. I also looked into the place (here) that takes women's clothing for women to interview in. Yeah...they charge them for the suit. So I will just put them in my garage sales unless I find someone that really needs them!

Try giving them to a Safe Homes/Battered Weomen organization. The women who leave abusive husbands leave without their clothes or anything else for that matter. And they don't charge the women for the clothes either. It's also a good place to give furniture or children's clothes as well. The Safe Homes here does have a store, however, the clothes that ARE sold keep the organization going, along with the house that the women and children stay in. And no one knows where that house is, either.

As for Goodwill, or Salvation Army, they sell because they also employ a lot of disadvantaged or handicapped individuals. And something has to pay for the upkeep of the buildings.

This is who I give too; and you are one knows where it is. They come to pick it all up. It is a reputable place (I checked it out) and they call about every other month to see if I have anything as they have routes they make. They also share (from my understanding) to handicapped and disadvantaged individuals; free of charge.

Since I'm donating men's clothes, the Battered Women shelter won't work but - I do like your idea and will do some research. I'm done with the Salvation Army.

Since I'm donating men's clothes, the Battered Women shelter won't work but - I do like your idea and will do some research. I'm done with the Salvation Army.
Don't remember the name, but there is an organization in Houston that works to get homeless/underprivileged men back in the work force: clean them up, train them, teach them interview skills, etc and get them properly fitting clothing for interviews. You might check your area for similar organizations.

You guys are missing the point with Goodwill and Salvation Army. They actually EMPLOY handicapped people -- who the hell do you think PAYS these people. They also have Job counselors and training available. None of that is free. If they want to charge $1.50 for a pair of $75 slacks or a dress, that's fine with me.

And they have upkeep for the buildings as well.