Vevye will destroy Xidra and Miebo in 2024


Vevye Has head to head data versus vehicle and. Restasis! B&L leaders say the vehicle is not same as Miebo. That’s a lie! The molecule looks exactly the same. They have head to head versus both. B&L so dumb for buying Xidra and not Vevye.

Vevye Has head to head data versus vehicle and. Restasis! B&L leaders say the vehicle is not same as Miebo. That’s a lie! The molecule looks exactly the same. They have head to head versus both. B&L so dumb for buying Xidra and not Vevye.

Miebo is completely different with chemical structure and components. It also has completely different evaporation data (Yes head to head) and blows away Vevye. Nice try!

A new Cyclosporine that works quicker than Restasis! Wow, I cant believe no one has tried to release one of those before! It would at least get 2% market share but I guess it would need nano technology in the vehicle. Since this one has Head to head data maybe it will get to 4%.

Somebody just got a new job lol
Yeah vevye is just what docs need. Another cyclosporine that will exceed the minimal expectations of Cequa and Restasis and generic cyclosporine and endurance and impris compounded cyclosporine. Enjoy that exciting launch. Will go over like a turd in a punch bowl.

Brad and Yolanda will just end up lying to you again and you peasants will just agree. Get in step motherfers. Again they’ll say jump and you’ll say how high. You’re all brain dead servants to the menial money. Just admit it.

Dry eye disease might be the most boring topic in the history of topics. Use artificial tears for Christ's sake. All of these drugs are a joke. Try Refresh first. As I am thinking about all of this, it might be more interesting to instill a drop of each brand of artificial tears on a Petri dish, incubate it, and see what types of bacterium grow. I bet the results would be blinding. I fucking hate this company.

Dry eye disease might be the most boring topic in the history of topics. Use artificial tears for Christ's sake. All of these drugs are a joke. Try Refresh first. As I am thinking about all of this, it might be more interesting to instill a drop of each brand of artificial tears on a Petri dish, incubate it, and see what types of bacterium grow. I bet the results would be blinding. I fucking hate this company.

thank you for saying what I’m always thinking

there's botoxboy chiming in again and taking credit for something he didn't think.

You're welcome for stating what most people are thinking. I'm sure you have some interesting ideas to state about this sewer for a company... Please share them!
You seem angry, Karen. Please wait while we locate a supervisor.

Indeed, Karen. Do you still need a manager?

your managers didn't manage to land a job with a reputable company... your board didn't manage to find a reputable ceo... your r&d department didn't manage to develop any blockbusters... how are you going to be able to manage that lavish lifestyle being the ceo of a laughing stock loser?

your managers didn't manage to land a job with a reputable company... your board didn't manage to find a reputable ceo... your r&d department didn't manage to develop any blockbusters... how are you going to be able to manage that lavish lifestyle being the ceo of a laughing stock loser?
I hear you, Karen.

I hear you, Karen.

I'm not the karen. you're the karen. I'm not the middle-aged woman getting botox injections and buying that grotesque singer's 35.35 million-dollar mansion... botoxBoyKaren is/did. out of all the people in the world, botoxBoyKaren doesn't deserve to live like that... I'm sure she spent a small fortune getting the smell of a dead tuna fish out of there before selling it to her/it/him/they. Similar to the xiidra purchase, that was money unwisely spent.

I'm not the karen. you're the karen. I'm not the middle-aged woman getting botox injections and buying that grotesque singer's 35.35 million-dollar mansion... botoxBoyKaren is/did. out of all the people in the world, botoxBoyKaren doesn't deserve to live like that... I'm sure she spent a small fortune getting the smell of a dead tuna fish out of there before selling it to her/it/him/they. Similar to the xiidra purchase, that was money unwisely spent.

Please replace botoxboy and botoxBoyKaren with NotAMan in all previous posts. Thank you.