Vessel Sealing

$800 for a gyn only device....good luck. Especially trying to sell the whole "thermal" story and being late to an already crowded market. Didn't work for Starion and their thermal system. Ligasure dominates and will continue to do so as we keep our innovations coming....

Sports med is fast becoming (or may already be) a commoditized market. While it would be fun to see the hubris of Surgical screw such a thing up in epic fashion, I don't know why they'd pay a premium to get into that space at this time.

They would pay a premium because they can! This is the only area in the Medical Device market that they don't have a presence in. They want a piece of the market. What they would pay is peanuts for them.

$350.00 tops. Conmed has GPO's but with Ligasure out there 13 years with multiple sealing devices, Conmed will have to play the price game .... again. Since Lig V is going for $420 on contracts, Conmed will play even better at $300 IF (big IF) they go after the 80% volume of lap colorectal/GYN and show equilvalent efficacy. The problem becomes profitability.

Covidien, Gyrus / Olympus and EnSeal (Ethicon) have "touched" 80% of the market and the majority use vessel sealing in some form. There are 250+ Ligasure reps. Add in EnSeal and Gyrus, and we're talking feet on the street. Intuitive will enter this crowded "space" too (although they've a captive market) making Conmed's barriers to entry even higher. On top of these market facts and barriers to entry, Conmed will have to give away free capital to get users. Free capital, on top of lower pricing at lower volumes relative to Ligasure (for instance), will continue to contribute to crappy margins for Conmed into the foreseeable future. Corasanti said at $10M in volume, they're losing money. He was assuming equal pricing and capital sales.

This entry, 13 years late, looks doomed.