Very scary post from Abbott Boards about Amrix

My wife needs this drug and sure enough she can't find it for less than 300 bucks; including insurance coverage. The asshat doing the "Blue Collar Math" above needs a nose dive into blue collar pain land. Give yourself an icepick enema up your eyeball, I know it will help get all that shit out of there.

Sadly some of us actually liked and used Amrix. The generic isn't even available now. That particular formulation didn't have the side effect of making one drowsy- unlike Flexiril (standard cyclobenzaprine).

I've been on worker's comp for a few years now & have 5 blown discs in my neck. Amongst other issues I've had a non-stop headache (that has so far lasted) more than 5 years. I also deal with daily migraines which make (what I call my baseline) headache brutally intolerable.

Taking the AMRIX reduces the frequency & severity of my neck/trapezius spasms. When I take the Flexeril (or other generic cyclobenzaprine) I'm always groggy, constantly feel like I have cottonmouth, have to take it multiple times a day & still don't get the amount of relief as when I take the Amrix. I also end up suffering more from my "base line" headache but that is probably because it's doing less to help with the neck spasms.

Don't get me wrong, I still suffer on the Amrix but I don't have all the side effects & the frequency of my spasms are greatly reduced. As well as only having to take it twice a day.

Amrix Pay no more than $5 co-pay card is still available.
I have taken many muscle relaxers over the years and they all make me sleepy, (which I despise). I take Amrix after dinner and I sleep comfortably and wake refreshed and able to make it through the day with only Aleve or ibuprofin. I am so greatful for Amrix. Amrix is the best.

Thanks for the feedback! So happy it's working well for you!

I just got my first prescription for Amrix from my Dr and it only cost me $5 for 60 of them. I did have a coupon from my Dr. If my insurance didn't cover it, I just wouldn't get them and would just stick with Flexeril.