Very happy to be retained

Poster #15

I can't and won't apologize for being fortunate, working hard for over 25 years to get where I am, seeking good advice and counsel along the way, and foregoing some luxuries to get to a place where I am financially secure. This might not have worked for everybody, but it happend to have worked for me.

Timing played a part as well. I was in the work force and in the markets when it was possible to save, invest and get a solid return over time. Those days will return in time I think.

The pharma business has clearly changed dramatically and it isn't over. I hope you will have a long and rewarding career in it if you choose to. If not, then I hope you find something else that provides what you want and need.

Along the way I hope you learn to communicate and treat others with grace and kindness. Those traits go along way in all aspects of life.

Been reading along here, and I don't think poster #15 was terribly wrong (probably frustrated and I can see why) We've all worked hard, yes for over 25 years, but I have partners who make more than $30K (yep that's 30,000) than me at this company and we do the same exact thing, breathe the same air, sample the same products. All goes against the bottom line. PFE overpays their people, pays a sh*tload out in pensions, pays out retiree healthcare and it's all gotta come from somewhere. People of "my" generation are getting a little tired of having to pay for everyone else's mistakes of the past.

Been reading along here, and I don't think poster #15 was terribly wrong (probably frustrated and I can see why) We've all worked hard, yes for over 25 years, but I have partners who make more than $30K (yep that's 30,000) than me at this company and we do the same exact thing, breathe the same air, sample the same products. All goes against the bottom line. PFE overpays their people, pays a sh*tload out in pensions, pays out retiree healthcare and it's all gotta come from somewhere. People of "my" generation are getting a little tired of having to pay for everyone else's mistakes of the past.

Every generation has it's burdons and "unfairness" regarding the dealings of life. Let's rejoice for others victories and cry for the individuals in pain. PP played the game fair and square, he was rewarded; not so much for you and I.

Let's face it if we were him, would we say no to retirement benefits? Yea right...

What an asshole. If your heart really does go out to those who weren't retained, you wouldn't post a fear- and anxiety-provoking post like that. I was kept as well, but I am clear-headed enough to know 3 things that you haven't figured out yet:
1) people are nervous and don't need some insensitive asshole like you telling them how depressed and worried they should be.
2) it could (and probably will) be us next time
3) there is life after Pfizer. Unemployment is paid for a reason and with what most people made here, they should be able to collect a decent check. EVERYONE will land on their feet.

Get a grip and realize there are more important things than a paycheck. At the same time, it is stressful for those who have been thrown a curveball. Why didn't anyone raise you with compassion? I feel most sorry for you.

do you have any much unemployment is?

they probably do, it is simply a statement that unemp is something vs 0 and coupled with the severance they can make it work for awhile until something works out. It is obvious that the economy is bad and that the pharma industry outlook is particularly cloudy, uncertain and on balance very challenging vs many other areas. So no matter who you are and where you are at this is clearly a much more challenging environment vs. 5 years ago. Let's provide support to those who are "out" cause this is the type of spirit that made this country once great, and without belief in a future what is the point in going on?

I know some people are hoping to be let go and enjoy their severance. Just found out I was retained and I am very thankful. Yes, several months of "vacation" would be nice, but I don't want to scratch and claw with thousands of other displaced pharma reps for an entry level position. I have been with Pfizer for 16 years and Pfizer has paid the bills quite nicely. Yes, Pfizer has HUGE negatives, but look at the alternative. Months of unemployment, depression, rejection, anxiety, stress and the huge financial burden of trying to support my family on a much smaller salary. My heart goes out to the King reps and everyone who lost their jobs today. Good luck to you all. Thank you Pfizer for retaining me.

Grow some balls, do you really think life is over post Pfizer?