Vent thread: Intrarosa (high level) mistakes

So...two of my former team members and I were contracted by a recruiter to join Amag. After the shit show that was the IR launch, we all fled in horror to better companies. You would think these recruiters would not try to recruit reps that already worked for Amag and quit? Just a thought. Kind of in keeping with the clueless nature of this company.

I have been checking out the job opportunities for AMAG and 25 openings appears really high for a company as small as yours. After reviewing the comments on Glassdoor I am hesitant to apply. Any solid feedback that you can give me would be helpful. Please, no smart remarks or cursing, I just want honest opinions.

I have been checking out the job opportunities for AMAG and 25 openings appears really high for a company as small as yours. After reviewing the comments on Glassdoor I am hesitant to apply. Any solid feedback that you can give me would be helpful. Please, no smart remarks or cursing, I just want honest opinions.

Only apply if you are absolutely desperate for a paycheck. Things are not solid here now. There is a slight chance that Vyleesi will do well and that could turn things around but corporate management could also be trying to sell

I have been checking out the job opportunities for AMAG and 25 openings appears really high for a company as small as yours. After reviewing the comments on Glassdoor I am hesitant to apply. Any solid feedback that you can give me would be helpful. Please, no smart remarks or cursing, I just want honest opinions.

The base is high but the job and upper management is questionable. They appear to have no idea what they are doing. They just had a big layoff in February and unless they launch Vyleesi, there will likely be another. Proceed with caution.

Thank you both for your comments. Unfortunately, AMAG appears to represent the majority of the pharmaceutical companies out here. I am looking for a company that values hard work, knowledge, passion and dedication. AMAG goes not appear to value any of it. I will pass.

Thank you both for your comments. Unfortunately, AMAG appears to represent the majority of the pharmaceutical companies out here. I am looking for a company that values hard work, knowledge, passion and dedication. AMAG goes not appear to value any of it. I will pass.
I am laughing at your naivete! What- you think we all came here because we desired a place that does not value hard work, knowledge, passion or dedication? Anywhere you interview will sell you the same kool aid.

You are missing the point. Of course you went to AMAG for all of that, but it appears the company failed you miserably. I just don’t want to waste my career time when everything is pointing to “no”.

You are wise not to take the gamble. I work at AMAG now and have lost all trust in what anybody tells me. I am literally just waiting for the next lay off so I don’t miss a severance package. This place blows.

You are wise not to take the gamble. I work at AMAG now and have lost all trust in what anybody tells me. I am literally just waiting for the next lay off so I don’t miss a severance package. This place blows.
Careful. I hear the reps laid off in Feb got decent packages. If there is a buy out, that might not be the same case.

Yeah, really hysterical. You are one sick person if you think it is funny that 110 people and their families lost their jobs, insurance and career because of corporate fuck ups. The Makena launch was a huge success that exceeded all expectations. The payback was a huge layoff to cover the loss of the new women’s health “super team” that almost drove the company in the ground. No one on the Makena team should have been made to pay for that corporate blunder.

You sound like an entitled ahole. The 110 people should have done their homework on this shit4fu*k of a drug. Darwin.

typical AMAG. You have not even launched the product and you are complaining that the label is not expanded to include males. Better worry about your job right now. Tick, Tock.

Yes, AMAG corporate is nothing new. Evil, lying, two faced, narcissistic bastards. All of them, the sales leads included. I hope every single one of them loses their job.

We have nothing new to talk about. Whatever happened to that spread sheet that had customers on it with what they were writing and all the other stuff. It seems like I just apologize for the copay card and listen to docs complain about old problems with Makena.

Exactly. And who required that BS spread sheet? The worthless Area Directors. Every single one of them is a wasted empty suit that show up on Area calls to tell us how “valuable “ we are to the organization. Plans are being made right now for the next lay off at end of Q4. I for one cannot get out fast enough. Remember all of the Empty, emphatic statements this time last year about how Makena is exceeding all expectations and there is not a lay off even being considered? Liars, every single one of them . Don’t believe a word they say.