Vegas National Meeting

Get ready for call report training! The shit show starts tomorrow! Be sure to clap after all the presenters do their thing or you will be seen as a renegade rep!
You are oh so right. Yep, the new Veeva system will tell Mallinckrodt when and where you take a shit. They will tell you this is not what is happening, but the new platform has all the capabilities for call entry. It's here, and by launch of new products, they will use for metrics.
The good days are over-

Have 2 escorts lined up for after reception this evening. They specialize in tag team.
Thank you to the genius that picked LV
for the NSM.
If you see one of the HSS's with a grin ADL you will know why!!!

Have 2 escorts lined up for after reception this evening. They specialize in tag team.
Thank you to the genius that picked LV
for the NSM.
If you see one of the HSS's with a grin ADL you will know why!!!

this is the only way losers in this company get laid. Don't forget to wear your scrubs, stand in the corner and look confused and argue with them on the price. hahahaha

Have 2 escorts lined up for after reception this evening. They specialize in tag team.
Thank you to the genius that picked LV
for the NSM.
If you see one of the HSS's with a grin ADL you will know why!!!

Make sure you use a condom idiot. So you don't give those innocent prostitutes the diseases you have.

Make sure you use a condom idiot. So you don't give those innocent prostitutes the diseases you have.
Amen to that brother, I will make sure I don't. This place is awesome, in my panoramic suite. These two bitches will be
Blowing me sooner than you can say ofirmev.
See you at reception for about 2 drinks, then outta there.

Amen to that brother, I will make sure I don't. This place is awesome, in my panoramic suite. These two bitches will be
Blowing me sooner than you can say ofirmev.
See you at reception for about 2 drinks, then outta there.

Hey 2 pump chump Let's hope the hookers aren't nurses cause they'll laugh at you when you tell them you sell IV Tylenol. Oh wait they'll already be laughing based off your performance.

Hey 2 pump chump Let's hope the hookers aren't nurses cause they'll laugh at you when you tell them you sell IV Tylenol. Oh wait they'll already be laughing based off your performance.
Funny, we make good money. No shame in that. Tons of people would kill for what we make and the hours we work.
You are the dumb fuck. So go tuck your shirt in you fat ass, and take some pride in yourself. Looks like you have a self esteem issue.

Amen to that brother, I will make sure I don't. This place is awesome, in my panoramic suite. These two bitches will be
Blowing me sooner than you can say ofirmev.
See you at reception for about 2 drinks, then outta there.

Sounds cool. Have one blow you while the other tongues your asshole. It's amazing... Who gives a shit if it costs you your 1st qt bonus? Money we'll spent in my opinion. Vegas, baby, Vegas!!

Funny, we make good money. No shame in that. Tons of people would kill for what we make and the hours we work.
You are the dumb fuck. So go tuck your shirt in you fat ass, and take some pride in yourself. Looks like you have a self esteem issue.

you're the one getting blown by 2 trannys and are proud to make 125k and Im the one with self esteem issues? I bet all the high school girls just fall all over themselves when you tell them how much you make and how little you work. What are you going to do when they start tracking call reporting etc? The gig is up and its time to get the fuck out of here. But hey Im sure you have a ton of opportunities at your disposal.

you're the one getting blown by 2 trannys and are proud to make 125k and Im the one with self esteem issues? I bet all the high school girls just fall all over themselves when you tell them how much you make and how little you work. What are you going to do when they start tracking call reporting etc? The gig is up and its time to get the fuck out of here. But hey Im sure you have a ton of opportunities at your disposal.
Your gig is up, so see ya.
If you don't know how to get around call reporting than you are a bigger loser than we thought.
Don't let the door slap you in that fat ass.
125? Guess you are low on base and rankings. 175 is good money.

Your gig is up, so see ya.
If you don't know how to get around call reporting than you are a bigger loser than we thought.
Don't let the door slap you in that fat ass.
125? Guess you are low on base and rankings. 175 is good money.

But how are you going to explain your shitty numbers from shitty new products in an area you know nothing about when you don't work? Go get a job with J&J I hear they need primary care reps. Your $175 is more like $150 - your car so it's $130 do the math.