Vegas Meeting agenda are you serious

that special thing that my dad and I did together, involved your grandmother and mother, they enjoyed the special sauce

You have really strange sexual habits. Shoving foreign objects up other men's rectums, screwing your dad with a newspaper and having group sex with my mom and grandma? Well, god bless you, both were real beasts when they roamed the earth and the family always said, 'only the dumbest slobs in the world would ball these women'. Guess you and your dad win. Congrats, it will be the only thing you win, ever.

Hi. What am I? I complain all the time. I spent nearly all of my free time on CP. I think of ways to blame other people for my failings. I make excuses all the time to explain why I fail so miserably at my job. Give up? I'm a BHBU rep! You poor, dumb bastard. If you earn any bonus at all go by a dictionary, dick-head.

blasting someone for spelling and grammar and then you use the wrong by. Typical would want them to buy a dictionary not by a dictionary.


What I don't like is the double standard. Amgen's motto is "Do the right thing", but it is also do as I say and not as I do! There is no work life balance with people traveling all morning, going to a meeting all day, and then having team time until 8pm. For the east coast, this is 11pm with no dinner! Give me a break.

Whaaaaaaaa. It's a long day. Sob sob. Whaaaaa. I have to put in 18 hours. Sniffle sniffle.

Hey you stupid single (cause no half way intelligent woman would ever want anything to do with you) fuk get a life. All of our products have been out for years and it takes a full week to learn more about them? LOL are you kidding me? This is nothing but a check the box for the worthless training departments. Upper management should get a clue and realize that you are actually hurting the companies revenues by keeping reps there all week. Not only is there an up front cost associated with 1000 people being there for 2 extra days but on the back side a loss in sales due to reps not being in the field. I say fire all of your dumb asses in training since you obviously don't have a clue as to what it takes to manage a business (hence our territories).

I hate to do this to you, seems you seem to intelligent. (based on your previous post). You didn't use the word hence correctly. in the future substitute your attempt to use hence with (as a result, as a consequence, for this reason) and your will be spot on.

you most likely meant i.e.

Hey you stupid single (cause no half way intelligent woman would ever want anything to do with you) fuk get a life. All of our products have been out for years and it takes a full week to learn more about them? LOL are you kidding me? This is nothing but a check the box for the worthless training departments. Upper management should get a clue and realize that you are actually hurting the companies revenues by keeping reps there all week. Not only is there an up front cost associated with 1000 people being there for 2 extra days but on the back side a loss in sales due to reps not being in the field. I say fire all of your dumb asses in training since you obviously don't have a clue as to what it takes to manage a business (hence our territories).

Tell that to Tony Hooper (or Jim Daly), not training. You think they determine when a sales meeting happens?