Valleylab FT10

We are and we will. These unappreciative hospitals dont know how much R&D we put into these products. Time to get our sales and second homes back!

Ha. Sorry, that made me laugh. At least how you intended it.

You don't put that much into R&D. That's why the FT10 is not much of an improvement over the Triad.

3 or more 15k
anything less they start at 18k
also doing product placements for bulk buys
Certain customers get them at no charge

Know they can do anything they want with these. ask and you shall receive.

So here we are in 2017 and I am seeing FT10's getting into lots of hospitals. Please help me understand what kind of deal Covidien works out. There is no way the hospitals are paying foe these. Are they just placed?