Vaccine VBU-Dear James

lol so clearly you’re an IS trying to justify your value to the company. That’s fair, not reality but I can see why. Driving demand in an office. Sure. With what new message? Comorbidity pieces came out 6 months ago. Docs have heard it, if they’re even listening. You don’t think doctors know that patients with comorbidities are more at risk for shingles without you? Haha. Patient education materials. I’m sure they’re handing them out to every single patient and STRONGLY recommending Shingrix. That’s why Shingrix is tanking. Tweak or improve protocols. lol like what? Make sure to schedule that second shot before you leave! Run a report of the patients who didn’t get the second dose! They’d have never thought of that without it you. Whether you’re out of sight or in sight, a doctor doesn’t care. They’re pretty smart people, much smarter than you. They know when to discuss certain vaccines with a certain patient population. They don’t need you to bring them Chipotle to remember. Staying in *their face does nothing but annoy them. That’s why they don’t want to see you unless you feed Betty and Margaret. Screening for patients who haven’t been vaccinated. Guess what. The people who haven’t been vaccinated don’t want to be vaccinated. Shingrix has been out 8 years. Ever hear of vaccine fatigue? Maybe listen instead of being in the docs face with your iPad. Pulling through contracts for your stockers? IS’s don’t know anything about contracting. That’s why you’re an IS. And I’d bet my mortgage your stocking numbers aren’t any better than your retail numbers. You’re not saying it will drive 15% growth, well no crap lol. Nothing you’re doing will move the needle, at all. Business is about relationships and protecting relationships. What the hell are adult IS’s protecting, the other shingles vaccine on the market. Never mind there isn’t one. Holy oblivious. You must be new to pharma. Sounds like you wanted to be a VKAL or VAE and weren’t chosen. Have they secured any C-Suite customers? I’m willing to bet they’ve secured more than you have! You sound bitter they make more than you do. Whatever you’re making, it’s way too much. You may wanna get that resume together cuz IS’s will be the first to go. I’m not sure anyone else would hire you, which is why you sound so desperate to justify your GSK existence.
Interesting comments. Was none of this shared upward?