Vaccine mandate

Basing your opinion on vaccines on whether your favorite color is red or blue seems…logical.

Again, it’s not about the vaccine. Should I spell it out for you again? You’re missing the bigger picture. And I don’t care if you believe it or not, but I made the choice to get the vaccine. Got both doses of Pfizer. Don’t regret it. But I respect other people’s decisions to make their own decisions for their lives because it’s not up to me to try and control others nor do I have time to be bothered by what others do or don’t do. You clearly don’t. I am also vaccinated and not a high risk person with underlying conditions, like every flu season, and therefore feel perfectly safe. But you clearly don’t. So either you’re not vaccinated or if you are you don’t trust that it’s effective in protecting against the virus. Which is it?

you sir are the reason why everyone hates America. Ignorant as can be. You don't know the first thing about viruses or vaccines. Make sure to vote for the orange dumbass again. While natural immunity comes at a price of people dying, it does fade away and becomes obsolete and viruses mutate. But hey, do your thing. Don't be a part of the solution. merica.

This person has an 8x10 of Dr Fauci on their home office desk, front and center, and maybe another one in their kitchen.

You’re also now mandated to eat 3 servings of veggies every single day and maintain a specific weight range bc it’s what’s healthy. And anyone who doesn’t comply will be heavily fined. And while we’re at it you need to be in your home after sunset because crime happens at night and anyone violating will be arrested.

it is NOT the role of the government to mandate things like vaccines. What’s next?

-sincerely a vaccinated citizen who strongly opposes a mandate to be vaccinated. If the vaccine is so effective why do you care what others chose to do or not to do? You’re safe right?

congrats for being vaccinated.

It matters that others are vaccinated because it affects others. Hopefully you are lucky enough that you do not have a loved one that is not able to get their proper care due to stubborn, unvaccinated people taking up hospital space and care. That is a reality. These people had a choice to get vaccinated and chose not to. Meanwhile people that have had no choice in their medical state are not getting care because they are robbed of it currently. Tell me that’s not BS. So you bet your ass it matters.

congrats for being vaccinated.

It matters that others are vaccinated because it affects others. Hopefully you are lucky enough that you do not have a loved one that is not able to get their proper care due to stubborn, unvaccinated people taking up hospital space and care. That is a reality. These people had a choice to get vaccinated and chose not to. Meanwhile people that have had no choice in their medical state are not getting care because they are robbed of it currently. Tell me that’s not BS. So you bet your ass it matters.

Wait for it. Biden’s upcoming announcement will soon be that only the vaccinated can have access to ventilators and hospital care.

congrats for being vaccinated.

It matters that others are vaccinated because it affects others. Hopefully you are lucky enough that you do not have a loved one that is not able to get their proper care due to stubborn, unvaccinated people taking up hospital space and care. That is a reality. These people had a choice to get vaccinated and chose not to. Meanwhile people that have had no choice in their medical state are not getting care because they are robbed of it currently. Tell me that’s not BS. So you bet your ass it matters.

you realize the term “hospital beds” isn’t used just for physical beds for a body to lay in right? It has to do with the proper number of staff per patient. So when hospitals run out of beds they’re short staffed. Know why? Bc those same frontline healthcare workers rightfully praised as heros last year are now being fired for not getting a vaccine.

Tell me THAT’S not BS.

And again I ask you why it matters if a portion of the population is unvaccinated and how it impacts the vaccinated if the vaccine works? Tell me what states are robbing its people of being vaccinated? That’s news to me friend. Don’t be a question dodger now. Your logic fails to be logical.

congrats for being vaccinated.

It matters that others are vaccinated because it affects others. Hopefully you are lucky enough that you do not have a loved one that is not able to get their proper care due to stubborn, unvaccinated people taking up hospital space and care. That is a reality. These people had a choice to get vaccinated and chose not to. Meanwhile people that have had no choice in their medical state are not getting care because they are robbed of it currently. Tell me that’s not BS. So you bet your ass it matters.

and I don’t need your congratulations. I didn’t do it for you. And the only reason I’ve told you twice is because you continue to make incorrect assessments about me and who I am based on your inaccurate judgments. So in all cases…you’re just wrong.

you realize the term “hospital beds” isn’t used just for physical beds for a body to lay in right? It has to do with the proper number of staff per patient. So when hospitals run out of beds they’re short staffed. Know why? Bc those same frontline healthcare workers rightfully praised as heros last year are now being fired for not getting a vaccine.

Tell me THAT’S not BS.

And again I ask you why it matters if a portion of the population is unvaccinated and how it impacts the vaccinated if the vaccine works? Tell me what states are robbing its people of being vaccinated? That’s news to me friend. Don’t be a question dodger now. Your logic fails to be logical.

different poster here. I think you need to understand how vaccinations work and the science behind vaccines before you talk. The sooner we all get vaccinated the sooner we put this behind. And as far as the health care workers that are getting fired for not being vaccinated, what do you expect? If you work in healthcare and you don't support vaccination then you are simply a moron.

different poster here. I think you need to understand how vaccinations work and the science behind vaccines before you talk. The sooner we all get vaccinated the sooner we put this behind. And as far as the health care workers that are getting fired for not being vaccinated, what do you expect? If you work in healthcare and you don't support vaccination then you are simply a moron.

the science? The science? The fucking science sucks. Before you open your stupid woke pie hole if the science is so great why are you still wearing a mask? Why are the vaxed still getting the virus? Follow the $

the science? The science? The fucking science sucks. Before you open your stupid woke pie hole if the science is so great why are you still wearing a mask? Why are the vaxed still getting the virus? Follow the $

again, learn more about vaccines and how they work before you talk. Anyways, go back to your Qanon conspiracy theories

the science? The science? The fucking science sucks. Before you open your stupid woke pie hole if the science is so great why are you still wearing a mask? Why are the vaxed still getting the virus? Follow the $

I miss when anti-vaccers were hippy dippy west coast stay at home moms reading illegitimate information on blogs. Pretty ironic how the tables have turned.