I'm hearing more and more whispers of JK pushing for all employees to be vaccinated by Thanksgiving.
I'm hearing more and more whispers of JK pushing for all employees to be vaccinated by Thanksgiving.
Oh no!! All of the selfish people have to get vaccinated! Poor people!
Haha you’re dumb
He's dumb for taking the vaccine?
lol you’re dumb. You go in offices with covid all day and each week that have covid. We all are struggling to access offices… because of covid restrictions. But you won’t get a vaccine to protect you and others. You’re part of the problem and why all these restrictions and masks that you whine so much about aren’t going away sooner than later. Whatever media you focus on has told you the government is trying to control you. So really the media is controlling you. Wooooaaahhh
No. His vaccination status wasn’t ever even mentioned and I’m not making assumptions about it. He’s dumb for shamming people and making assumptions of their character just because they chose not to get the vaccine right now. You disagree?
Please give me a reason why we can’t dictate what you eat, how much sun you get, etc.. see above, sparky - the clock is ticking. Tik-tokplease give me a real reason ( unless it's medical) why anyone would refuse a vaccine? This while " freedom" BS is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. This goes to show how stupid we as a society have become. If you're not taking the vaccine then you're a dumba$$. Btw, you were vaccinated for MANY things when you were a kid
What happened to 14 days to slow the spread?
Now it’s vaccine dose 1, dose 1, booster shot 1, 2, 3… Masks everywhere, limit crowds, and on and on…. this will be never ending.
Also, conveniently, nothing is ever mentioned anywhere about the ones that have recovered from the virus and have natural immunity through antibodies which is a stronger protection than these experimental vaccines.
Please give me a reason why we can’t dictate what you eat, how much sun you get, etc.. see above, sparky - the clock is ticking. Tik-tok
Please give me a reason why we can’t dictate what you eat, how much sun you get, etc.. see above, sparky - the clock is ticking. Tik-tok
I’ll answer when you own up to your vote contributing to hyperinflation, COVID and masks being a thing of the past in may, superspreader events at the southern border, support of Communist Cuba and the deaths of thousands there, hundreds of hostages and deaths in Afghanistan, cyber attacks and gas outages, nobody willing to work because of the handouts off my tax dollars, and Trillions in debt resulting in the worst leadership in the history of our country because of the Bidenites. Tik-Tok!classic. Dodge the question by asking a stupid, irrelevant question that has nothing to do with the real issue. When you eat garbage, you kill yourself not others. When you don't get vaccinated, you kill others and yourself. Can your little brain comprehend this? Merica
You’re also now mandated to eat 3 servings of veggies every single day and maintain a specific weight range bc it’s what’s healthy. And anyone who doesn’t comply will be heavily fined. And while we’re at it you need to be in your home after sunset because crime happens at night and anyone violating will be arrested.
it is NOT the role of the government to mandate things like vaccines. What’s next?
-sincerely a vaccinated citizen who strongly opposes a mandate to be vaccinated. If the vaccine is so effective why do you care what others chose to do or not to do? You’re safe right?
Vaccines should be mandatory. If you don’t like that then gtfo of my country.
I don’t dare what you doubt. You’ve proven how irrelevant you are. What’s the question child?
Fact is this virus is not claiming the lives you are led to believe. Wake up and get a clue. It doesn’t matter why someone chooses but to get the vaccine. The fact is it IS in fact THEIR CHOICE. So again I ask you - if you are vaccinated then why do you care? You’re safe. Right?