Vaccine Mandate

I wonder, if you don't get the Covid vaccine you'll be required (by your insurer) to pay your medical bills. Seems fair to me. Right?

seems fair, just wish i didn’t have to make that choice. I have a rare brachial plexus injury from the vaccine which means I can’t lift anything with my left arm. Guess I will just check antibodies to see if I need the booster then. I don’t want to risk paralysis or further injury if I don’t need the booster. And I certainly don’t want to risk bad side effects from covid. No easy answer

What loss of freedom? You can choose NOT to get vaccinated and you're FREE to leave GSK. Btw, That would be preferable for all concerned. You leave and we don't have to listen to imbecilic comments from you!

Does GSK medical insurance cover Covid-19 related adverse events, Einstein? Would GSK provided life insurance payout in the event of a fatal vaccine adverse event? Enthrall is with your brilliance.

What loss of freedom? You can choose NOT to get vaccinated and you're FREE to leave GSK. Btw, That would be preferable for all concerned. You leave and we don't have to listen to imbecilic comments from you!
Being forced to take something against my will is bullying and harassment. So sad how this company does not care about their employees.
Im sure there are many better places to work that actually care about people. What is the real intent for pushing the vaccine on everyone? Just curious.

I’m all for getting vaccinated but let’s not go with the GSK message that they are concerned about employee safety. If that was really the case they wouldn’t have been pushing reps to go out in the field at the height of the pandemic. While sales leaders like ks and other avp’s and home office folks were holed up in their home offices and not going out in field. The hypocrisy is classic.
Like everything else at GSK it’s about the money not the people from Emma’s videos focused on “driving shareholder value” with patients mentioned as an afterthought, to the fleet plan prohibiting hands free use of cell phones, to the vaccines, it’s all about the money. In the later two examples, it’s about minimizing their liability and risk exposure. Not about employees’ health and safety. With so many companies mandating vaccines now, it’s bad business not to do so. That’s ok, just please stop with bullshit and hypocrisy.
I know read somewhere that GSK values are patient focus, transparency, respect, and integrity.
Better hope they are tight on the integrity and their ship is in order, the vaccine mandate could bring some whistleblowers out of the woodwork. Just saying. Surely they haven’t forgotten the last CIA.

Being forced to take something against my will is bullying and harassment. So sad how this company does not care about their employees.
Im sure there are many better places to work that actually care about people. What is the real intent for pushing the vaccine on everyone? Just curious.

So true

The bullying is so wrong. I don't want jab after jab after jab

Being forced to take something against my will is bullying and harassment. So sad how this company does not care about their employees.
Im sure there are many better places to work that actually care about people. What is the real intent for pushing the vaccine on everyone? Just curious.

if you don’t know then you better get vaccinated and stay here. I don’t think you are smart enough to work elsewhere

And whats wrong With your data is it is not currently taking into account that the delta variant caused 96-99% of hospitalizations to be UNVACCINATED
That leaves few breakthrough cases causing hospitalization or death so yes the vaccine is doing its job. Covid will continue to circulate for years to come, we travel and are in contact with many people every day.

Being forced to take something against my will is bullying and harassment. So sad how this company does not care about their employees.
Im sure there are many better places to work that actually care about people. What is the real intent for pushing the vaccine on everyone? Just curious.
"Being forced ... against my will". Enough already! You refuse a COVID vaccination because "it's my body and my choice". But, you're anti-abortion and tell ME what I can and can't do about unwanted pregnancy. You Trump-kins can't have it both ways. You're a SmithKliner that makes up rules to suit yourself! You took over Glaxo because you know how to run a Pharma company ... but ran the company into the ground. Pathetic! Please leave NOW!

"Being forced ... against my will". Enough already! You refuse a COVID vaccination because "it's my body and my choice". But, you're anti-abortion and tell ME what I can and can't do about unwanted pregnancy. You Trump-kins can't have it both ways. You're a SmithKliner that makes up rules to suit yourself! You took over Glaxo because you know how to run a Pharma company ... but ran the company into the ground. Pathetic! Please leave NOW!

Curious if there is any limit to what a company can mandate its employees must do to maintain their employment? There isn't much discussion about a mandate being "overreach" - the conclusion seems to be that if your company says "do it or you're fired" then you can either comply or get fired. Too bad, so sad. Does this mean that anything could be mandated? That you must wear mismatched socks in the office? Watches must be worn on the right arm? Cowboy hats are mandatory?

The higher courts have ruled that vaccine mandates are lawful. It was Justice Barrette herself…

“The U.S. Supreme Court has denied review of Indiana University's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for employees and students, leaving in place the rulings of lower courts in favor of the university's requirements.”

The denial referenced earlier precedence set for the small pox vaccine mandate.

Curious if there is any limit to what a company can mandate its employees must do to maintain their employment? There isn't much discussion about a mandate being "overreach" - the conclusion seems to be that if your company says "do it or you're fired" then you can either comply or get fired. Too bad, so sad. Does this mean that anything could be mandated? That you must wear mismatched socks in the office? Watches must be worn on the right arm? Cowboy hats are mandatory?

Stupid analogy

"Being forced ... against my will". Enough already! You refuse a COVID vaccination because "it's my body and my choice". But, you're anti-abortion and tell ME what I can and can't do about unwanted pregnancy. You Trump-kins can't have it both ways. You're a SmithKliner that makes up rules to suit yourself! You took over Glaxo because you know how to run a Pharma company ... but ran the company into the ground. Pathetic! Please leave NOW!
Its amazing how you call someone a trumpkin for wanting the freedom of choice to do what is right for them when it come to what can happen to them if they get a covid vaccine. Killing an u wanted baby is different. FYI Thats murder. How could anyone with any decency want to willfully murder a child. Your remarks are a portrayal of your inner character. Are you alive today?? What if someone had decided to murder you or your brother or sister? You have no respect. There are many people who want to adopt children because they cannot give birth. I recommend a self evaluation to come to terms with your emotional intelligence
Maybe you also should listen to some more videos on diversity and inclusion or review the gsk policy on diversity and inclusion. Isn’t this the GSK playbook or are you just another gsk hypocrite?