Vaccine mandate?

I’ll take my chances with a virus that has a 99% survival rate which is now nothing more than a cold, rather than some experimental gene therapy with no long term effect data thanks

You arent really going to have a choice, unless you lie to get an exemption. Even then, you will have to be tested weekly, have fun with that…

“Leaky vaccine” and it’s in millions of bodies. It’s unsafe & ineffective. It’s dangerous!!!

2 years into this Pandemic…. How about a booster shot for everyone of all ages to ramp up your waning so-called protection? How’s the infections worldwide with Omicron? How’s it going with Delta? How about a prescription for an anticoagulant to go with that jab? Why are people having inflamed lymph nodes post vaxxed?

How many people do you know who got the shots and are now on lifetime blood thinners? No joke.

It’s called Breakthroughs (Israel, USA, Ireland, etc. Fully vaccinated are getting COVID…it’s happening all over the world!) Argument of the unvaxxed spreading is a LIE!

COVID vaccine adverse events and deaths are catastrophically affecting humanity worldwide. CDC states you still can transmit COVID being fully vaccinated (wait you now need a booster to be fully vaccinated?) …a 3rd shot with a plan to have annual COVID shots for EVERYONE.

Will this then make all of us safe and stop mutating Pandemic?


Ask anyone who regrets taking the shots?

☠️Risks vs. Benefits

Come back to earth…. Your comments are embarrassingly ridiculous.
And NO I do not regret taking any of my 3 shots and I will gladly take another if it is needed at some point.

These vaccines are safe and effective and prevent the spread of Covid. If you get the vaccination you won’t get most of the variants and if you get the booster you will be even more protected. Trust the science. How well is that going?

Pretty well actually. The majority of breakthrough cases with those vaccinated are comprised of mild symptoms that only last a couple of days- a small minority of those cases result in hospitalization/ death. The serious breakthrough cases are typical with those that have pre existing conditions / auto-immune issues. I’d say the vaccine is serving its purpose for those who take it. I’m sure you will argue otherwise because you are so closed minded…