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US looks to outlaw inversions

Who needs Congress? King Barack I will simply sign an executive order and make it so. The cowards that have all abdicated their responsibilities in Congress will not dare challenge his authority.

By the way, if the opposite of PRO is CON--is the opposite of PROgress CONgress?

Who needs Congress? King Barack I will simply sign an executive order and make it so. The cowards that have all abdicated their responsibilities in Congress will not dare challenge his authority.

By the way, if the opposite of PRO is CON--is the opposite of PROgress CONgress?

Yes, and it is an absolute Obamanation. They take vacation at the Royal Re Cesspool where Biden gets new hair plugs and Reid gets his colonblow enema while Pelosi and Feinstein serve up the fine Ca koolaid. They propose a toast to the Bamanator for all his fine works and leadership skills in managing this country.

Fast and furious
Lying to the Supreme Court - its not a tax
IRS mess
War on women
Negotiating with terrorists
Drones and wiretapping.

Cant even name all he has done for (to?) this country. All hail our dictator.

Who needs Congress? King Barack I will simply sign an executive order and make it so. The cowards that have all abdicated their responsibilities in Congress will not dare challenge his authority.

Maybe congress could actually get something done....anything done ..... if the GOP would get up off of their fat asses and say "yes" to something, rather than "no" to everything proposed, no matter where it is going. Never in the history of our country has one party been virtually absent, at their own volition, from the law making process that is supposed to be carried on.
The GOP has created an atmosphere that forces Obama to decide (by executive action) what he legally can, but no more than that....and preferably he and America would much prefer not to have to do this . All that is happening is souring the independents of this great country into a realization that the republican party operates only for it's self interests (the wishes of the one percent) and not for the great majority of our citizens.
Next step: The easy victory of Hillary Clinton in the next election, and more likely than not an overwhelming democratic majority in both houses of congress. Then government can once more say "yes" again. It will happen!

Maybe Congress would say yes to something if the Democrats proposed something that could receive bi-partisan support. For example, 3.7Billion to deal with the immigration crisis without any more many for border security? Only those that WANT people to come here illegally (Democrats) would support this.

Maybe Congress would say yes to something if the Democrats proposed something that could receive bi-partisan support. For example, 3.7Billion to deal with the immigration crisis without any more many for border security? Only those that WANT people to come here illegally (Democrats) would support this.

Where did your forefathers come from....native Americans or from Mars, perhaps?