Upper Management STRESSED


Ron, JD, SR and others all need to get on Xanax!!!! I'm tired of their stress energy and it's very apparent they hate it here. There are so man choices in this world. Be happy and move on and stop making others feel miserable!!!!!!!

Of course they are stressed. MNK way overpaid for the companies they bought, the debt load is massive, the stock doesn't seem to be going anywhere. What's not to be stressed about? The ship is slowly sinking!

Of course they are stressed. MNK way overpaid for the companies they bought, the debt load is massive, the stock doesn't seem to be going anywhere. What's not to be stressed about? The ship is slowly sinking!

Yes, but the stree shouldn't then be put on everyone else. I can't imagine anyone from management that isn't looking for a new job and working with recruiters.

Will reorganization include the ARD division? You say just hosp and cas, share what you know please.
We can only hope and pray it includes ARD. Collecting a pay check while looking for, interviewing for and landing a job (I might actually enjoy), would be a Godsend. Please, please, please, let this be true. End all of our suffering once and for all

We can only hope and pray it includes ARD. Collecting a pay check while looking for, interviewing for and landing a job (I might actually enjoy), would be a Godsend. Please, please, please, let this be true. End all of our suffering once and for all

No, ARD is unchanged. Sorry :(
There will be a reduction in the hospital sales force and currently there is a national hiring freeze for vacant positions. The goal number wasn't hit. Not sure if anyone will actually be "let go" at this poin because they with have a small dedicated sales force selling the hemostat product. (Who the hell would want that? Yuck!). But alas that is the plan. The sales force selling Ofirmev will be smaller which only makes sense. In actual reality if they keep a sales force for this product that is not growing at all, it should be cut by at least 50% if not more. They simply don't need sales people for a lagging product that they themselves have to blame for by increasing the price during a highly sensitive time and tarnishing the reputations of the sales reps and company that will leaving a lasting negative impression. This is one time a company can't come back and say this is all about and for the patient. It's greed pure and simple. My advice from what I know internally? Don't work too hard and enjoy the rest of the summer and make use of the time finding a new job. Those that get transferred over to hemostat duvision will hate their enormous sized territories and from what I gather they have planned, these poor folks will be heavily micromanaged.

The sales force always takes the blame for the poor decisions upper management makes. They have us doing has many dinner programs, lunches, breakfasting, etc. It's too late. The reps that get shifted to sell the hemostats better get the hell out of here. It will be a nightmare selling those products. Whoever made the decision to buy those products needs to be let go!!! Territories were cut in half a year ago and that was another dumb decision! Now if they let people go it will be very sad. Again another terrible decision from upper management. Don't they realize there terrible decisions affect people's lives. We have mortgages, kids in school, car payments, etc. Obviously it will happen around Christmas!!!

ARD especially neurology...well the reps are getting beat up. Typical Malli,ruling by threats and intimidation.
The panic button has been hit. All Neuro RMs in full out blitz to cover their asses after out recent POA. 4 days-a-week field rides, weekly strategic and summary reports, plus monitoring of product messaging bullshit. Best thing, there's no price for entry to watch this epic meltdown. Who will flinch first, TM, KJ or the RMs? As a specialist, life is good.

The sales force always takes the blame for the poor decisions upper management makes. They have us doing has many dinner programs, lunches, breakfasting, etc. It's too late. The reps that get shifted to sell the hemostats better get the hell out of here. It will be a nightmare selling those products. Whoever made the decision to buy those products needs to be let go!!! Territories were cut in half a year ago and that was another dumb decision! Now if they let people go it will be very sad. Again another terrible decision from upper management. Don't they realize there terrible decisions affect people's lives. We have mortgages, kids in school, car payments, etc. Obviously it will happen around Christmas!!!

Unfortunately, they never cared since they announced they were purchasing Cadence on that Fateful morning at the National meeting. I will never forget like it was yesterday, many of us knew this would be the end. Someone ironically mentioned... "Watch, they will raise the price!" Little did we know how dramatically that price would be and how much stress and angst it would cause. Think of all the fires everyone had to try and put out and all the terrible meetings everyone had to endure.

The panic button has been hit. All Neuro RMs in full out blitz to cover their asses after out recent POA. 4 days-a-week field rides, weekly strategic and summary reports, plus monitoring of product messaging bullshit. Best thing, there's no price for entry to watch this epic meltdown. Who will flinch first, TM, KJ or the RMs? As a specialist, life is good.
Missy will be first followed by Jason O, then Hugh O, all d-bags.

silly people, no one from EOC is going anywhere unless they decide to. Only people leaving or told to leave are the lower downs. Keep hoping but it will never happen unfortunately.

The sales force always takes the blame for the poor decisions upper management makes. They have us doing has many dinner programs, lunches, breakfasting, etc. It's too late. The reps that get shifted to sell the hemostats better get the hell out of here. It will be a nightmare selling those products. Whoever made the decision to buy those products needs to be let go!!! Territories were cut in half a year ago and that was another dumb decision! Now if they let people go it will be very sad. Again another terrible decision from upper management. Don't they realize there terrible decisions affect people's lives. We have mortgages, kids in school, car payments, etc. Obviously it will happen around Christmas!!!

Tell those rat-faced little fucks you call kids, that Santa won't be making an appearance at your crummy house this year! Hahahaha! Hope they fire you too.