Updates on Restructuring


Can anyone shed some on how the restructuring will potentially effect the field force. I was just hired 3 years ago so I never experienced the changes most of you have experienced with these re-orgs.
Obviously, I want to keep my job but word on the streets is that we may be in for some changes early 2014. I want to get your honest opinion on what has happened in the past and how to best prepare.

Thank you for your help.


Can anyone shed some on how the restructuring will potentially effect the field force. I was just hired 3 years ago so I never experienced the changes most of you have experienced with these re-orgs.
Obviously, I want to keep my job but word on the streets is that we may be in for some changes early 2014. I want to get your honest opinion on what has happened in the past and how to best prepare.

Thank you for your help.

In my honest opinion, just keeping working and you will be fine. If you are asking that question at this point, you will be fine. You were just hired 3 years ago, lower salary, no clue of what is happening in the business world you live in, a true dreamer and kool-aid drinker. You will be fine, just fine! Let me guess, salary in mid $60's and almost nothing in your pension, $30k in 401k? You are the golden keeper.

Can anyone shed some on how the restructuring will potentially effect the field force. I was just hired 3 years ago so I never experienced the changes most of you have experienced with these re-orgs.
Obviously, I want to keep my job but word on the streets is that we may be in for some changes early 2014. I want to get your honest opinion on what has happened in the past and how to best prepare.

Thank you for your help.

To be perfectly straight with you, you should get out of this industry.

I know it pays well and benefits are good...but it's a dead industry for sales people and you're wasting your time.
Walk away on YOUR terms and find something where you can establish a career...'cause that sure won't happen at Pfizer. Not trying to being pessimistic or seeing the glass as half-full, just trying to shoot straight with you in order to answer your question honestly.

I had more than 20 good years in this business...but it's dead now.

To be perfectly straight with you, you should get out of this industry.

I know it pays well and benefits are good...but it's a dead industry for sales people and you're wasting your time.
Walk away on YOUR terms and find something where you can establish a career...'cause that sure won't happen at Pfizer. Not trying to being pessimistic or seeing the glass as half-full, just trying to shoot straight with you in order to answer your question honestly.

I had more than 20 good years in this business...but it's dead now.

This is spot on. Especially if you're young. GET OUT!!! This is not a career like it was in the past.

Anyone under 40 should get out!! Pension going away so that shouldn't be a reason to stay. Go get a life because if you are completely honest with yourself you feel a little embarrassed talking to your friends (who are professionals) about what you do! Go get yourself a real career!!!

I have 15 years to go. I'm hanging on, laying low, making small but meaningful contributions, always smiling and I love everything we do.

No straight talk here. Too risky.

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