Specialty Care Updates- true

Ok, I always try to provide the info as soon as I get any.
What I do know..
IS and Vaccine are currently creating one field force.
There will be changes to IC - will be annual payout with the exception of TBO.
There will be mostly IS DBMs, vaccine acct managers as big institution point of contact, and there will be a mix of vaccine and IS.
Oncology will be expanding and there will be openings in which they hope all of this is announced at once so IS feels like there is HOPE with other positions.
The Global meeting will be a pep rally with the NEW SPECIALTY CARE unit!

Have you notice Kristin and Jeff working collectively? Exactly!
Yes, it is true, your managers have you force ranked and they are putting it all together as we speak!

Trying to squash rumors and give truth

IS DBMs and VAMs the point of contact?? What a joke! My DM doesn't even know the zip codes in my territory let alone the KOLs. He does try to take over the conversation during ride-alongs - which is quite frustrating for me and my customers. As far as VAMs go, I haven't seen mine in months. Ours definately does not know the hospital market. He/She works mostly with managed care orgs. -- I think. We really don't know what they do.
This structure would be a disaster! Just saying...

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