Updated timeline

Our manager said he heard if you are displaced the first day you will receive severance is Nov 22, Thanksgiving. Happy holidays!

From Inc. Online. How timely. Too bad Kip didn't read this article:

Involve employees as best as possible: If employees feel that a change or transition has been decided and "dictated down" by the executive team, they understandably resent it and feel a loss of control, and hence, greater degrees of fear. These conditions make it incredibly difficult to create a productive, creative, innovative, efficient, and even remotely positive work environment during a transition. Some of the most effective case studies involve companies who presented the problem or need for cost-cutting to a team of "front-line" employees, who in turn came up with a solution that was superior to one that would have been made by executives alone. Which approach to problem-solving do you think remaining employees would feel the most loyalty toward?

Communicate, don' t dictate: Effective communication and inspired leadership - and the choice to maintain them - are shown in study after study to be key to the success of an organization' s transition (and ongoing performance, for that matter). But remember, the leadership and communication strategies must be effective. That means using approaches, vehicles and language that match the company' s culture and preferred modes of learning and sharing information. It also requires that all levels of management and employees interact with each other on a human level. Don' t dictate bad news via reams of rational information and cold-facts in a memo. Recognize that the employees doing the work of a company are people, not automatons or "units" on a spreadsheet.

Optimizer updates are due by next Friday. If someone hasn't done it by then they are never going to do it. Don't be surprised if cuts are made next Friday.
Do you detect underlying panic in the voices on the phone meetings? Is there really anyone who believes these changes will work?

Optimizer updates are due by next Friday. If someone hasn't done it by then they are never going to do it. Don't be surprised if cuts are made next Friday.
Do you detect underlying panic in the voices on the phone meetings? Is there really anyone who believes these changes will work?

Will work for what? EP has always made forecast. Now it's all talk about the customer... Yes I agree with the panic in voices. I didn't hear it on the calls but I hear it in conversations with coworkers. It's terrible what they are putting us all through. We are all lambs being led to slaughter.

Nope, will be the same kool aid, just a different flavor
In order for any changes to work, JNJ needs a complete overhaul, which includes but is not limited to: a complete change in leadership!! We need a fresh new perspective but unfortunately, we have the same old leadership. They might have different titles and roles but same old philosophies. By saying "flat out cool" every chance Kip gets does not appeal to the over 40 crowd and sounds ridiculous to the under 40 crowd. I get the impression Kip thinks this will make the company become more hip. What's next Kip? You gonna wear a Mark Zuckerberg Tshirt and hoodie?......sorry, dude, still same old kool aid just a different flavor.

Nope, will be the same kool aid, just a different flavor
In order for any changes to work, JNJ needs a complete overhaul, which includes but is not limited to: a complete change in leadership!! We need a fresh new perspective but unfortunately, we have the same old leadership. They might have different titles and roles but same old philosophies. By saying "flat out cool" every chance Kip gets does not appeal to the over 40 crowd and sounds ridiculous to the under 40 crowd. I get the impression Kip thinks this will make the company become more hip. What's next Kip? You gonna wear a Mark Zuckerberg Tshirt and hoodie?......sorry, dude, still same old kool aid just a different flavor.

How about if we change the Board of Directors' salaries and bonuses? That could save JnJ at least a billion. No one deserves the money they get year after year. It's sick.