UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart Failu


UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart Failure Treatment TrialBY Midnight Trader
— 10:41 AM ET 09/24/2012
10:41 AM EDT, 09/24/2012 (MidnightTrader) -- Novartis AG (NVS


NVS is steady higher, up 0.20% to $61.37 after reaching a new 52-week high of $61.43. The healthcare solutions provide earlier reported positive results from its Phase III study to determine the efficacy and safety of the investigational compound RLX030, a recombinant form of the human hormone relaxin-2, in treating acute heart failure.

The results, which will be presented at the American Heart Association congress in Los Angeles in November, 2012, demonstrated that RLX030 reduced the number of deaths in patients with acute heart failure.

Price: 61.37, Change: +0.12, Percent Change: +0.20



Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

Oh yeah it works as well as 35 year old generic prinivil
LOL what schmucks you corp moles are !! :)

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

Oh yeah it works as well as 35 year old generic prinivil
LOL what schmucks you corp moles are !! :)

52 week high should keep my stock options riding high... While you 99% Occupy r*****s blabber on. Thank you Novartis.

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

52 week high should keep my stock options riding high... While you 99% Occupy r*****s blabber on. Thank you Novartis.

What goes up must come down , all the indicators point to the fact that NVS is WAY Overpriced Vs. similar pharma co's with = dividends.
Smoke & Mirror valuation like obama's economy , this stock will fall as fast as your
IQ did post birth ;)

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

What goes up must come down , all the indicators point to the fact that NVS is WAY Overpriced Vs. similar pharma co's with = dividends.
Smoke & Mirror valuation like obama's economy , this stock will fall as fast as your
IQ did post birth ;)

And what goes down will also rise again.... such is the world, kinda like the number on your scale when you weigh your fat-ass. At least we can agree that Obama is the worst president in my lifetime.

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

Net Change 0.8700 52 Week High 63.3900 on 10/16/2012
Net Change% 1.4% 52 Week Low 51.2000 on 05/23/2012


Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

What goes up must come down , all the indicators point to the fact that NVS is WAY Overpriced Vs. similar pharma co's with = dividends.
Smoke & Mirror valuation like obama's economy , this stock will fall as fast as your
IQ did post birth ;)

And what stocks would those be? All the analysis I've done tells me it's going higher. I liked it at $52 bucks and I love it here!

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

Put your money where your mouth is then genius and short the stock.....seems to me there are a whole lot of investors that think differently.

Personally I'll hang on unless it trades back through 61. Sure is nice riding the big wave!

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

Nobody you know will ever promote this drug, especially those in primary care.


The Novartis Promotion & Development Dept.

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

NVS is hitting 52 week highs because of only one reason.

The have decreased their biggest fixed expense...POEPLE.

With no increase in net sales they will see an increase on almost $2 BILLION to the balance sheet after right offs and reduction of payroll.

The price of NVS stock is in no way an indicative of the health of its pipeline or salesforce.

Its great for our stock options (if your luckily to be one of the few chosen) but this company has a dismal future ahead as a sales organization

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

What goes up must come down , all the indicators point to the fact that NVS is WAY Overpriced Vs. similar pharma co's with = dividends.
Smoke & Mirror valuation like obama's economy , this stock will fall as fast as your
IQ did post birth ;)

The man full of smoke and mirrors is Romney and his hunched over egor running mate Ryan. Romney is an ego minded bully, cheap talking con man dressed up like a CEO. A Fake!!!! He is so full of nonsense. Anyone who buys into his schtick is drinking the kool aid. I'm a republican and I know he's full of it. I'm voting democrat this year and I can't wait to vote. If you can't see the "Ayn Rand" Ryan and loose with the truth Romney is toxic to not only the lower class, middle class and upper middle class than you deserve what you get if Romney tragically gets elected.

This thread is about Novartis stock on steroids going up. The stock market is up. I'll take that over 2008 before Obama. I think Obama is doing fine and the economy is improving in many areas.

The Republicans are and were obstructionists during Obama's 1st term and that is an insult to the American people and to those that elected them. They didn't care about trying to work any thing out all they cared about was this election and making Obama look bad.The Republican party is no longer the party of Ronald Reagan or a party I am proud of any longer. They have allowed extremists to take over reasonable conservative ideals. Christie in NJ is the only hope for a decent candidate and Bull sh_t Romney/Ryan has to go. I don't agree with everything Christie does yet at least he's not afraid to tell the hard truths when necessary and he has authenticity true to himself ideals which Romney doesn't know the meaning of.

Romney and Ryan wine about how bad things are when it is not true. They wine when the unemployment rate goes down. Losers both of them. I hope Romney's misleading talking points and arrogance is silenced when Obama wins.

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

The man full of smoke and mirrors is Romney and his hunched over egor running mate Ryan. Romney is an ego minded bully, cheap talking con man dressed up like a CEO. A Fake!!!! He is so full of nonsense. Anyone who buys into his schtick is drinking the kool aid. I'm a republican and I know he's full of it. I'm voting democrat this year and I can't wait to vote. If you can't see the "Ayn Rand" Ryan and loose with the truth Romney is toxic to not only the lower class, middle class and upper middle class than you deserve what you get if Romney tragically gets elected.

This thread is about Novartis stock on steroids going up. The stock market is up. I'll take that over 2008 before Obama. I think Obama is doing fine and the economy is improving in many areas.

The Republicans are and were obstructionists during Obama's 1st term and that is an insult to the American people and to those that elected them. They didn't care about trying to work any thing out all they cared about was this election and making Obama look bad.The Republican party is no longer the party of Ronald Reagan or a party I am proud of any longer. They have allowed extremists to take over reasonable conservative ideals. Christie in NJ is the only hope for a decent candidate and Bull sh_t Romney/Ryan has to go. I don't agree with everything Christie does yet at least he's not afraid to tell the hard truths when necessary and he has authenticity true to himself ideals which Romney doesn't know the meaning of.

Romney and Ryan wine about how bad things are when it is not true. They wine when the unemployment rate goes down. Losers both of them. I hope Romney's misleading talking points and arrogance is silenced when Obama wins.

What a JACK!!

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

NVS is hitting 52 week highs because of only one reason.

The have decreased their biggest fixed expense...POEPLE.

With no increase in net sales they will see an increase on almost $2 BILLION to the balance sheet after right offs and reduction of payroll.

The price of NVS stock is in no way an indicative of the health of its pipeline or salesforce.

Its great for our stock options (if your luckily to be one of the few chosen) but this company has a dismal future ahead as a sales organization

TheStreet Ratings rates Novartis as a buy. The company's strengths can be seen in multiple areas, such as its increase in net income, attractive valuation levels, largely solid financial position with reasonable debt levels by most measures, increase in stock price during the past year and expanding profit margins.

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Novartis (NYSE:NVS) hit a new 52-week high Tuesday as it is currently trading at $63.23, above its previous 52-week high of $63.05 with 364,165 shares traded as of 9:35 a.m. ET. Average volume has been 2.2 million shares over the past 30 days.

Novartis has a market cap of $148.97 billion and is part of the health care sector and drugs industry. Shares are up 9% year to date as of the close of trading on Monday.

Novartis AG, through its subsidiaries, engages in the research, development, manufacture, and marketing of healthcare products worldwide. The company has a P/E ratio of 16.3, below the average drugs industry P/E ratio of 17.4 and below the S&P 500 P/E ratio of 17.7.

Novartis (NVS) is an appealing investment due to its high dividend, adequate financial metrics, and STRONG PORTFOLIO of recently launched products. Novartis' second quarter earnings release detailed how the major worldwide pharma should be able to gain momentum for increasing revenues in the near term. Current shareholders should hold LONG TERM; interested investors should initiate a position in October or in the fourth quarter. Aside from being on track for its 2012 guidance, Novartis has had recent success in clinical trials for key products, including treatments for COPD and acute heart failure. The CART-19 collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania is also targeted to begin clinical trials before 2013.


Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

The man full of smoke and mirrors is Romney and his hunched over egor running mate Ryan. Romney is an ego minded bully, cheap talking con man dressed up like a CEO. A Fake!!!! He is so full of nonsense. Anyone who buys into his schtick is drinking the kool aid. I'm a republican and I know he's full of it. I'm voting democrat this year and I can't wait to vote. If you can't see the "Ayn Rand" Ryan and loose with the truth Romney is toxic to not only the lower class, middle class and upper middle class than you deserve what you get if Romney tragically gets elected.

This thread is about Novartis stock on steroids going up. The stock market is up. I'll take that over 2008 before Obama. I think Obama is doing fine and the economy is improving in many areas.

The Republicans are and were obstructionists during Obama's 1st term and that is an insult to the American people and to those that elected them. They didn't care about trying to work any thing out all they cared about was this election and making Obama look bad.The Republican party is no longer the party of Ronald Reagan or a party I am proud of any longer. They have allowed extremists to take over reasonable conservative ideals. Christie in NJ is the only hope for a decent candidate and Bull sh_t Romney/Ryan has to go. I don't agree with everything Christie does yet at least he's not afraid to tell the hard truths when necessary and he has authenticity true to himself ideals which Romney doesn't know the meaning of.

Romney and Ryan wine about how bad things are when it is not true. They wine when the unemployment rate goes down. Losers both of them. I hope Romney's misleading talking points and arrogance is silenced when Obama wins.

LOL!!! Yeah... give me another 4 years of Hope and Change. That's what America needs!!!

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

LOL!!! Yeah... give me another 4 years of Hope and Change. That's what America needs!!!

Well now that's where we agree That is what America needs!! and Obama did and does give us Hope and change. Hope for a better future and Change from the tragic policies that put our country in a recession. It's not perfect but nothing is. Romney wants to cut regulations. I'm not interested in dismantling government regulation it's the only protection citizens have. I can just imagine the toxic sludge we would find in Rx pills without the FDA since we all know pharma is so ethical. Sure let's deregulate. What do you get? The monetary system that collapsed before our eyes from greed and deregulation of derivatives among other things. Open your eyes you are drinking the kool aid if you think these people care about giving the average citizen a better way of life. They want full power and control.

"Deregulate" what a joke. "Too big to Fail" another joke. Too big to Fail is group speak for "Monopoly". Last time I checked Monopolies are illegal in this country. A bank and an investment house etc should be separate not under the same umbrella. "job Creators" another joke some marketing consultant dreamed up these brand tags to conceal what these people really are.

The Top percent should not be given a tax break without strings attached. You only get a tax break if you actually create a job. Here's another one Social Security and Medicare are "Entitlements" you want to LOL well go ahead LOL. We paid into these programs deducted from every pay check. Corporations get so many hand outs yet that's not an Entitlement program!! Oh but you know what Romney says Corporations are people too. That's just the kind of cold condescending person we need as president.

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

Well now that's where we agree That is what America needs!! and Obama did and does give us Hope and change. Hope for a better future and Change from the tragic policies that put our country in a recession. It's not perfect but nothing is. Romney wants to cut regulations. I'm not interested in dismantling government regulation it's the only protection citizens have. I can just imagine the toxic sludge we would find in Rx pills without the FDA since we all know pharma is so ethical. Sure let's deregulate. What do you get? The monetary system that collapsed before our eyes from greed and deregulation of derivatives among other things. Open your eyes you are drinking the kool aid if you think these people care about giving the average citizen a better way of life. They want full power and control.

"Deregulate" what a joke. "Too big to Fail" another joke. Too big to Fail is group speak for "Monopoly". Last time I checked Monopolies are illegal in this country. A bank and an investment house etc should be separate not under the same umbrella. "job Creators" another joke some marketing consultant dreamed up these brand tags to conceal what these people really are.

The Top percent should not be given a tax break without strings attached. You only get a tax break if you actually create a job. Here's another one Social Security and Medicare are "Entitlements" you want to LOL well go ahead LOL. We paid into these programs deducted from every pay check. Corporations get so many hand outs yet that's not an Entitlement program!! Oh but you know what Romney says Corporations are people too. That's just the kind of cold condescending person we need as president.

Moron... Too big to fail??? Big U.S. banks are bigger than before the financial crisis.
In 2001, the assets of the five largest U.S. bank holding companies accounted for 25% of all U.S. bank assets. Last year their share was 53%.
What is a corporation if not the people who work there and their voices, views and vested interests?
Hope??? Trillions of dollars of added debt, 7.8% unemployment, sky-rocketing poverty, mountains of foodstamps.... not my idea of hope Mr. KoolAid drinker.

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

NVS is hitting 52 week highs because of only one reason.

The have decreased their biggest fixed expense...POEPLE.

With no increase in net sales they will see an increase on almost $2 BILLION to the balance sheet after right offs and reduction of payroll.

The price of NVS stock is in no way an indicative of the health of its pipeline or salesforce.

Its great for our stock options (if your luckily to be one of the few chosen) but this company has a dismal future ahead as a sales organization

What an absolute clown this f'er is. You have no idea what a good future is. How's the Panera career going since Novartis wised up and wacked your azz?

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

Moron... Too big to fail??? Big U.S. banks are bigger than before the financial crisis.
In 2001, the assets of the five largest U.S. bank holding companies accounted for 25% of all U.S. bank assets. Last year their share was 53%.
What is a corporation if not the people who work there and their voices, views and vested interests?
Hope??? Trillions of dollars of added debt, 7.8% unemployment, sky-rocketing poverty, mountains of foodstamps.... not my idea of hope Mr. KoolAid drinker.

You must be putting alcohol in your Kool aid. Your statement above "Big banks are bigger than before the financial crisis." That is precisely the problem. They now have too much power.They had too much power before the crisis. Their big slogan for the Tarp money was "Too big to Fail" that is the definition of a monopoly when their is not enough competition, when just a few banks control the whole market. Banks have consolidated operations and divisions that hold conflicting interests. Seriously !!!! you need to educate yourself on this issue you clearly do not understand what is happening.

Romney's 5 point, "not going to let you see it ", tax plan will increase the deficit. Everyone will not receive a 20% reduction in taxes, if everyone did how will that control the deficit? Let's see less tax revenue, increase in military spending beyond what the military is asking for, etc etc well that should do it, that should decrease the deficit.???? Not!

Re: UPDATE: Novartis Touches New Year High - Posts Positive Results for Acute Heart F

You must be putting alcohol in your Kool aid. Your statement above "Big banks are bigger than before the financial crisis." That is precisely the problem. They now have too much power.They had too much power before the crisis. Their big slogan for the Tarp money was "Too big to Fail" that is the definition of a monopoly when their is not enough competition, when just a few banks control the whole market. Banks have consolidated operations and divisions that hold conflicting interests. Seriously !!!! you need to educate yourself on this issue you clearly do not understand what is happening.

Romney's 5 point, "not going to let you see it ", tax plan will increase the deficit. Everyone will not receive a 20% reduction in taxes, if everyone did how will that control the deficit? Let's see less tax revenue, increase in military spending beyond what the military is asking for, etc etc well that should do it, that should decrease the deficit.???? Not!

The banks are BIGGER NOW THAN EVER. Who has been the president for the last 4 years you complete moron? Who was the BIGGEST supporter of TARP? ANSWER: Your messiah, Obama. If he was going to fix it, it would/should have been done by now. A lot of things should have been done by now, but Obama is the most incompetent President in my lifetime. Tell me about that "hope" thing again, Mr. Koolaid drinker.

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