Upcoming re-org

Can you people start your on thread?
Can you not comprehend the obvious? Changes are coming. If you're a former Pc3 dust off your resume. If you're an old non dei hire dust off your resume. Everyone in this thread is saying the same shit over and over. There's a good chance your job will be different in January or not there at all. And no matter how many times you check this thread, that's not gonna change.

Stick around or leave. It's that simple.

The state school is showing in your moronic attempt at using an ellipsis

She can't use an ellipsis
She doesn't understand what a pharma rep does.

But hey... At least she can spell troglodyte... Since she's wrote it on this board at least 100 times. Maybe she can put that under the skills section of the old resume after the layoff.

Some tips from an 30 year vet

1)You have no idea what’s going to happen. Your guess will be probably wrong

2) This was put into motion 9 months ago. Don’t let this consume you life.

3) Lilly really has always taken care of their people. Unfortunately there may not be enough seats for everyone.

4)Only thing that’s 90% for sure if you have a DME or HR complaints polish your resume, be ready to look inside for positions there’s a slim chance you’ll get places.

Good luck and enjoy your life it’s a job.

Greenhouse reps? So our DT has been an exercise to create new positions? Lilly, here's an idea, fire the liars falsifying calls before you reward them (obesity spec?)!!!! Let's get out the knives and start truth telling! Go!