Upcoming interview

So if things are so terrible, please resign immediately. Why would you work for the company and at the same time attack the company for years on end? There are many people out there that would be very happy to have your job. That assumes of course that you work for the company, which we all know you do not. What is truly laughable are your constant attempts to scare away potential job applicants. You need to get over your vendetta against the company and get a life. I am happy at Dendreon and most people I know are happy as well. Truth is there are few openings for sales reps on the company's website, that a number of those openings are for newly created territories such as Philly-West, Baltimore-South, and Palm Beach Fl - West, and that the number of sales rep openings have been declining. Your unwarranted false allegations completely fail on their face. The sales backgrounds of Dendreon employees are very strong and diverse, just look at Linkedin. Look at the company's website, the sales rep openings are declining.

Dendreon is interviewing a number of sales reps in the company's efforts to expand sales coverage and territories. There are many applicants for each opening and only the best of the best get hired. The reps that I have met that have been hired over the past year are top notch and highly experienced.

I am so tired of this idiot always posting positives on the company. This person either is in mgmt and is very frustrated by the fact that they couldn't get even a "low performer" from an Onc company to interview, or long the stock for some idiotic reason.

If you are serious here look on LinkedIn for all the new managers bios and where they came from. None have experience....now look at the new reps-very few have any Onc experience as well. If this is such a great place why would the company be offering 5,000 for any referral and why isn't there a line around the corner from all the top quality reps out there?

Don't ignore the obvious answer by listening to mgmt's rosy outlook on your options and the cash they throw at you. Just trying to save you a major headache.

And you will see 30 open positions starting 4/1 in the sales rep territories. FACT.

Been here a long time and before you ask me to leave-I am. Just waiting to get my Q1 payout.
