Upcoming interview

Many people have been disappointed by treating Dendreon as a drug company. Those who thought it was a criminal conspiracy have been proven correct time and again.

Drink the kool aid and cheer JJ!

Please give me details about the job, total comp, management etc. want to make an informed decision. Thanks.

DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT come here unless you are unemployed or are from a lab/PC/3rd tier company looking to break into oncology. We really cant lure any oncology reps so the talent pool is abysmal.

Many new reps that just finished training in the last 3 months are about to accept offers elsewhere. FACT.

Sad really-an unbelievable product with an even more unbelievably inept management pool. Been in the arena a LONG time and have never seen so many poor/rash decisions in my life. They are all here just to suck the final $$$ out of this company before being shown the door and turning off the lights.

Good Luck

Agreed! It is a sad situation but people come here for the money. Not worth it folks... The product is great and so are the RSUs but you won't be here long enough to vest. 6 months max

Honestly, you should not be relying on anything posted here in making a career decision. Most of the posts here are written by people that are not employees of the company.

Honestly, you should not be relying on anything posted here in making a career decision. Most of the posts here are written by people that are not employees of the company.

Incorrect. Actually the last three posts are right on. I work here. We were just given a brand new referral program to bring in people. If you are really interviewing ask what happened to the last three reps in the territory. Be very careful if you chose to come here.

Absolutely ask to speak with your team. Absolutely believe nothing and rely on nothing you read here.

The vast majority of people enjoy working for the company. Bad apples exist everywhere.

Absolutely ask to speak with your team. Absolutely believe nothing and rely on nothing you read here.

The vast majority of people enjoy working for the company. Bad apples exist everywhere.

Yes ask to speak to the team but ask around and find out why there is a vacancy. Many reps were PIP'd out and there are issues in the territory/division. The vast majority of people in the field are looking to get out. They will say they love the product, dislike the company. The RDs all lack the expertise to do their jobs and it is very evident. Make sure you find out the background of the hiring DM too. Do your research before you come here. There will be many more openings by the end of Q1.

Again, believe nothing that you read here in making a career decision. There are people out there that are out to damage the company in any way they can. One method used is to fabricate information pretending to be reps and create a sense of impending doom for the company to prospective sales reps. They do this in an effort to try and profit from any declines they may cause to the company's stock. The vast majority of people are happy to work at Dendreon. Sales of Provenge are growing well, European approval is just around the corner, and last quarter the sales of the very important community urology segment grew 25%. This business segment is very important since 90% of the on-label patient population are treated by community urologists.

Again, believe nothing that you read here in making a career decision. There are people out there that are out to damage the company in any way they can. One method used is to fabricate information pretending to be reps and create a sense of impending doom for the company to prospective sales reps. They do this in an effort to try and profit from any declines they may cause to the company's stock. The vast majority of people are happy to work at Dendreon. Sales of Provenge are growing well, European approval is just around the corner, and last quarter the sales of the very important community urology segment grew 25%. This business segment is very important since 90% of the on-label patient population are treated by community urologists.

That is laughable. The vast majority of the sales reps at this company are completely miserable! That is the truth. Do not take this job unless you are unemployed. By the end of Q1 the turn over will dramatically increase. It's hard to believe considering there has been a tremendous amount already this year but it is the truth. Culture sucks and so does management.

So if things are so terrible, please resign immediately. Why would you work for the company and at the same time attack the company for years on end? There are many people out there that would be very happy to have your job. That assumes of course that you work for the company, which we all know you do not. What is truly laughable are your constant attempts to scare away potential job applicants. You need to get over your vendetta against the company and get a life. I am happy at Dendreon and most people I know are happy as well. Truth is there are few openings for sales reps on the company's website, that a number of those openings are for newly created territories such as Philly-West, Baltimore-South, and Palm Beach Fl - West, and that the number of sales rep openings have been declining. Your unwarranted false allegations completely fail on their face.

So if things are so terrible, please resign immediately. Why would you work for the company and at the same time attack the company for years on end? There are many people out there that would be very happy to have your job. That assumes of course that you work for the company, which we all know you do not. What is truly laughable are your constant attempts to scare away potential job applicants. You need to get over your vendetta against the company and get a life. I am happy at Dendreon and most people I know are happy as well. Truth is there are few openings for sales reps on the company's website, that a number of those openings are for newly created territories such as Philly-West, Baltimore-South, and Palm Beach Fl - West, and that the number of sales rep openings have been declining. Your unwarranted false allegations completely fail on their face.

So the previous rep in that territory in Fl was imagined or was she real? Do your homework before you come here.

There was no previous rep for Palm Beach Fl - WEST. It is a new territory. You don't know what you are talking about. Get a job with the company before you post here.

You are incorrect. West Palm was/is a territory. There was a rep in the territory. It is NOT a new territory. She left in the beginning of this year (Jan). It is evident you are outside the company.

Good luck with the interview! The company has come a long way since the CEO made up revenue forecasts to pump and dump his stock.

Now, all the sales people are empowered to make up revenue forecasts! It's great. If you can't sell any of the stuff now, you are rewarded for saying that you will sell a whole lot of it in the future. The company is working to gather these sales forecasts so the entire sales force can be engaged in making up future numbers.

It used to be that people said the company was like a criminal conspiracy. Nobody says it's "like one" anymore!

I love it!

So if things are so terrible, please resign immediately. Why would you work for the company and at the same time attack the company for years on end? There are many people out there that would be very happy to have your job. That assumes of course that you work for the company, which we all know you do not. What is truly laughable are your constant attempts to scare away potential job applicants. You need to get over your vendetta against the company and get a life. I am happy at Dendreon and most people I know are happy as well. Truth is there are few openings for sales reps on the company's website, that a number of those openings are for newly created territories such as Philly-West, Baltimore-South, and Palm Beach Fl - West, and that the number of sales rep openings have been declining. Your unwarranted false allegations completely fail on their face.

I am so tired of this idiot always posting positives on the company. This person either is in mgmt and is very frustrated by the fact that they couldn't get even a "low performer" from an Onc company to interview, or long the stock for some idiotic reason.

If you are serious here look on LinkedIn for all the new managers bios and where they came from. None have experience....now look at the new reps-very few have any Onc experience as well. If this is such a great place why would the company be offering 5,000 for any referral and why isn't there a line around the corner from all the top quality reps out there?

Don't ignore the obvious answer by listening to mgmt's rosy outlook on your options and the cash they throw at you. Just trying to save you a major headache.

And you will see 30 open positions starting 4/1 in the sales rep territories. FACT.

Been here a long time and before you ask me to leave-I am. Just waiting to get my Q1 payout.