Hey what did you do with all your bonuses over the years? Did you go out and spend most or all of them?
Or did you save some of the money and put it away for a "rainy day?" Like when you got kicked out by novartis.
How are you going to handle going from a compensation of say 70K benefits to unemployment of 300-400 a week?
What happened when they took your company car away? Did you have an extra car or did you have to go out and buy or lease a car? Did you find it hard to swing that extra expenditure given that your income was going to decrease by over 90%?
Even more so, what did you do with all the extra time that you were supposed to be working, when you were working 10-2 tu-thurs? Did you use the tuition reimburse to get an MBA, or better yourself professionally, in any other way; or did you go to the gym. play golf, pickup your kids, etc. The had/have it made with the bogus job that you have, but as in illegal drugs, the money, etc is too good to be true is is short lived. The company owes you nothing but a paycheck, if you do/did not better yourself, and choose/chose to waste the time that this fantasy gig has given you; SHAME ON YOU!