Unattainable Goals, Empty Promises...Welcome to Galderma

I also heard $70k at plan for Kythera. They try to sell on the upside potential, but with only one product which isn't even approved yet, and a high potential for getting bought out soon its just not worth it for me. A&C has been great for so far, and they are making good decisions. Plus, they are trying to clean up the mess left by Valeant.

I also heard $70k at plan for Kythera. They try to sell on the upside potential, but with only one product which isn't even approved yet, and a high potential for getting bought out soon its just not worth it for me. A&C has been great for so far, and they are making good decisions. Plus, they are trying to clean up the mess left by Valeant.

Thought I had the 70k correct . Honestly I thought it would be higher it is uncapped though.
Kythera should have potential big time if they get a product to market re Hair loss but the catch is to do that they will need to get bought out. Also another company based in San Diego is coming out with another injectable for fat reduction in large body areas. Kythera will be first to market but they will not be the only product in the near future the other one is still in phase 3 but it has big name plastics and derms behind it. If you check the Aesthetic Guide online they have some good info on new products soon to be out re fat loss

Let's be real, if you are lucky enough to get the offer from Kythera, you have to take it. G is not going anywhere with this leadership group.

Goal is to juice the bottom line until they sell to Novartis, like Nestle did with Alcon. Why do you think most of the leadership here is from Alcon. 2+2=4

your former president Stewart left the company with less than two years at the helm. Tells you everything you need to know. No future what so ever. When the top changes that fast and he was supposed to be the savior it tell you he knew the inside story and this place is no longer fixable.

The little Brazilian is nuts! Has totally unrealistic expectations...if you tell him reality you get banished to a far away land or you are forced to leave. Prior post is 100% correct

You are correct sir. The little guy has little guy syndrome and he thinks he is 6-2 (really about 5-3). He thinks these growth and profit targets are attainable (which they are not) completely unrealistic and could care less about the stress, the pressure on the US affiliate or the career devastation of the US employees. Failure is the inevitable result.

Hang in there while you can but inevitably you will have to leave this place. G is no longer a long term career opportunity and the fact he cannot keep good people at the top or replaces them with weaker ones. i.e Albert who was great- to FF who was a disaster to Stewart who had potential and could understand reality to now Tod Z. The cycle of hell continues at the top and this place has no where to go now but down both in Rx sales and Aesthetics . G will not be a success either under the current leadership or with the current product mix. Even a 1.4 billion infusion and venture into aesthetics cannot save it. Cannot argue with the facts in the market place.

your former president Stewart left the company with less than two years at the helm. Tells you everything you need to know. No future what so ever. When the top changes that fast and he was supposed to be the savior it tell you he knew the inside story and this place is no longer fixable.

Is Stewart no longer with G?

I disagree Stewart running the world wide operation still demonstrates a lot of weird and drastic changes for the US - he was only in the US for one year. Made a lot of personnel changes and then moves on to the larger organization. I think we still can safely say the US is still in flux and what I see of Todd Z is questionable as well. I think the comments about HA are correct and credible. The US group has a long way to go to get back to what it once was. Glad they invested in aesthetics but now we need to regrow this thing.

Very true - if he is running the operation world wide it makes me wonder what does HA do day to day? Also, if you look at the heads of business units in this place they turn over about every two years and we know there have been some good folks in those positions. When you see that kind of constant change at the top it is a sign of a very unhealthy organization.

The point is related not to other cultures, but a lack of understanding by those in leadership positions of the U.S. market. Look at the ridiculous premium G paid for the aesthetics portfolio (which they already owned throughout the world).

Say what you want about MP at Valeant - if you had a company to run, and you wanted profitability - who would you hire him or HA? MP might not be a nice guy, but he knows a sucker when he sees one, especially one with a big checkbook backed by a Euro chocolate company. Valeant sold high - and now they are putting wrapping paper on Obagi for G to overpay once again. Truth!

Left Valeant right before G bought us ,the best thing ever Orphan drug company pay very good base and good bonus couldn't be happier .I was told G will cut everything in bonus and base.Galderma has been falling for awhile!

Left Valeant right before G bought us ,the best thing ever Orphan drug company pay very good base and good bonus couldn't be happier .I was told G will cut everything in bonus and base.Galderma has been falling for awhile!

where do you people come up with this stuff?..."cut bonus AND base". Please find better ways of spending your time and stop spreading your fantasy

agreed they wont cut the base but the goals are still silly and not very realistic. We do have to pay back the aesthetics purchase that is a business fact and that is why when you pay a premium for assets the troops will have to greatly accelerate their business to meet these objectives for overall sales and profitability. This company may get back to what it once was but that is not clear at all at this time and inevitably we have to turn this into a growth aesthetic company and no one at the top really has the experience or the track record in that space.

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