Uhhhhh hello? Durata?

I think you are all in the denial phase. The truth is that most of you left good jobs and burned bridges to go to Durata, you were bamboozled into thinking it would last more than 6 months and now you are facing the prospect of either unemployment or having to now work for Actavis/Forest. So the sour grapes kick in and you try to convince yourself that you are going to be better off as a result of this. Truth is your high salaries are now a liability and have priced you out of the market. Unless you go to MDCO then you are effectively out of the anti-infective market. You have no Hep C or HIV experience so you can't go there either. Bottom line is you all got raped and you know it.

You have no clue little man. There are so many companies paying top $ for top talent. However, you will never know of these companies because you work at the lowest level, least respected company within the industry. And those companies, and recruiters that work with those companies, will never, ever, contact you and your colleagues. When you agreed to work for this company, you have effectively put concrete blocks on your feet to never move forward in this industry. My recommendation is to go back to cintas, you will get your dignity back and stop getting pissed on by every company in this industry.

You have no clue little man. There are so many companies paying top $ for top talent. However, you will never know of these companies because you work at the lowest level, least respected company within the industry. And those companies, and recruiters that work with those companies, will never, ever, contact you and your colleagues. When you agreed to work for this company, you have effectively put concrete blocks on your feet to never move forward in this industry. My recommendation is to go back to cintas, you will get your dignity back and stop getting pissed on by every company in this industry.

This is good. And it is so true.

Got to jump in here.

Average ISF salary is 105k bonus 40k
Average Durata salary 125k bonus 60K at plan?

I find it funny that the Forest board is all about complaining about Jeannie and Shannon. Sad that it took this long to mention the Durata buyout

So you got a job at Durata & that makes you some superior being? Easy tiger. You're a rep, end of story. I suggest you take all those recruiters banging your door down up on all those offers-your salary & ego aren't going to fly here.
I'll keep my six figure territory rep base & do my thing just like I have been for 10 years here. Give me your numbers-I'll let the recruiters who've been lighting my phone up for years you're interested.

I think you are all in the denial phase. The truth is that most of you left good jobs and burned bridges to go to Durata, you were bamboozled into thinking it would last more than 6 months and now you are facing the prospect of either unemployment or having to now work for Actavis/Forest. So the sour grapes kick in and you try to convince yourself that you are going to be better off as a result of this. Truth is your high salaries are now a liability and have priced you out of the market. Unless you go to MDCO then you are effectively out of the anti-infective market. You have no Hep C or HIV experience so you can't go there either. Bottom line is you all got raped and you know it.

January 1, 2015, will be telling. The original FRX Teflaro reps, that came from outside and are performing and are still here, will prevail.
As for those that left before acquisition, Best of Luck. Reality is perception. Believe yourself into a better job? Look where that got you. Best Wishes. I will take ACT anytime now, options are few. Enjoy your stock option, don't forget Uncle Sam!

Got to jump in here.

Average ISF salary is 105k bonus 40k
Average Durata salary 125k bonus 60K at plan?

I find it funny that the Forest board is all about complaining about Jeannie and Shannon. Sad that it took this long to mention the Durata buyout

Durata Reps make 140k base, comp plan only at 40k.

It's not only sales reps that are tainted by having Forest on their resumes, but marketing as well. Thank goodness I there for only a year so I'm still marketable and not considered damaged goods. This is the feedback I'm getting in interviews at top tier companies. Forest is seen as a make believe pharma company with questionable marketing practices and employees with non transferable skills (doing things the 'Forest way' is not the way to do things). Those who are Forest lifers will have a hard time getting out.

It's not only sales reps that are tainted by having Forest on their resumes, but marketing as well. Thank goodness I there for only a year so I'm still marketable and not considered damaged goods. This is the feedback I'm getting in interviews at top tier companies. Forest is seen as a make believe pharma company with questionable marketing practices and employees with non transferable skills (doing things the 'Forest way' is not the way to do things). Those who are Forest lifers will have a hard time getting out.

For retail, that may be true. Not for hospital.

$105? Maybe for retail reps getting promoted. Many of us make high 120's and high $130's.

I wish this were true. My friend makes 70k in Forest Hospital, exactly half of my "inflated" Durata salary. 170 hospital reps at forest also a problem, all Hospital sales forces within industry are 100 reps give or take. Everything about Forest is backwards except I'll give em credit on descent car to all Forest reps. Forest is just so poorly regarded, I feel a resume killer.

I wish this were true. My friend makes 70k in Forest Hospital, exactly half of my "inflated" Durata salary. 170 hospital reps at forest also a problem, all Hospital sales forces within industry are 100 reps give or take. Everything about Forest is backwards except I'll give em credit on descent car to all Forest reps. Forest is just so poorly regarded, I feel a resume killer.

$70k? Hard to believe. Has to be an exaggeration because any self respecting hospital rep would never take a job for that. This probably isn't the place for you then. Best regards.

$70k? Hard to believe. Has to be an exaggeration because any self respecting hospital rep would never take a job for that. This probably isn't the place for you then. Best regards.

Not true. Bases range from 95K - 160+K. Average is near 125K. Lower than most companies but not by nearly as much as people would like you to beleive. But Forest offers larger bonus o[pportunities for top performers than most companies.

Not true. Bases range from 95K - 160+K. Average is near 125K. Lower than most companies but not by nearly as much as people would like you to beleive. But Forest offers larger bonus o[pportunities for top performers than most companies.

This depends on when you were hired in.
I know plenty of Forest Specialty and Hospital reps with 7 years or less tenure that were hired in at 52K and even with promotions and salary increases, they are still under 70K.

I'm sure the tenured hospital reps have fat salaries.

$105? Maybe for retail reps getting promoted. Many of us make high 120's and high $130's.

I hope this is true, but hard to believe. If true, all of the Durata folks will be fine and not "targeted" because we are making too much. Just seems everyone I have ever met at Forest is making so much less than industry standard.

I hope this is true, but hard to believe. If true, all of the Durata folks will be fine and not "targeted" because we are making too much. Just seems everyone I have ever met at Forest is making so much less than industry standard.

how is the CFAM Rep position? Please advise and honest feedback only please!!!!

I hope this is true, but hard to believe. If true, all of the Durata folks will be fine and not "targeted" because we are making too much. Just seems everyone I have ever met at Forest is making so much less than industry standard.

Again, don't compare retail salaries to hospital. Totally different and considered a big promotion out of retail. You will be fine. They are looking to raise the lower hospital salaries that some are making to industry standards. As much as I dislike the idiocy in upper management in hospital, they are "trying" to be a bigger player in the market. No one has asked us to sign a non-compete clause yet.... yet!