Uh Oh

The time for bitching has expired...yes a disappointment, yes questionable structure, etc etc.... however these rants of negativity do not help you personally or professionally. If you want to wallow in this toxic pool of sludge you will drown. Efforts are better spent on grabbing ample market share as each sales force has only one product to promote, not 2-3 like other Pharma. Industry continues to shrink with downsizing.... so here’s a towel, step out of the toxic pool, dry off and reset... and get to it to maximize your bonus, drive revenue, stock price and Wall Street confidence. Ohhh and throw out the toxic towel after you have dried off.

The time for bitching has expired...yes a disappointment, yes questionable structure, etc etc.... however these rants of negativity do not help you personally or professionally. If you want to wallow in this toxic pool of sludge you will drown. Efforts are better spent on grabbing ample market share as each sales force has only one product to promote, not 2-3 like other Pharma. Industry continues to shrink with downsizing.... so here’s a towel, step out of the toxic pool, dry off and reset... and get to it to maximize your bonus, drive revenue, stock price and Wall Street confidence. Ohhh and throw out the toxic towel after you have dried off.

This is why I’m coming to work here. To block out the negativity going on where I’m at and to come to a company with people who are focused on growing and making bank! This place will have some nice products to sell for years to come.