UCB Touchpoint Contract

Contract is not a resume killer, working on "pharma" is a killer. People needs jobs to support their families so what if contract is there you take it. It's not the greatest gig in the world but it is what it is. Do any of you idiots posting things like contract is a resume killer realize how many pharma jobs have been cut in the past few years? If jobs are being cut, jobs are not going to be open. When there are opeinings there are so many reps are applying so the hiring manager can pick and choose. Here is the deal, get out of pharma.

Contract is not a resume killer, working on "pharma" is a killer. People needs jobs to support their families so what if contract is there you take it. It's not the greatest gig in the world but it is what it is. Do any of you idiots posting things like contract is a resume killer realize how many pharma jobs have been cut in the past few years? If jobs are being cut, jobs are not going to be open. When there are opeinings there are so many reps are applying so the hiring manager can pick and choose. Here is the deal, get out of pharma.

yes, yes and yes.
NOW is the time to get out if you are looking and have uneployment. There are industries that do value pharma reps, but I am not going to tell you because I am still looking. And it is not insurance sales either!

yes, yes and yes.
NOW is the time to get out if you are looking and have uneployment. There are industries that do value pharma reps, but I am not going to tell you because I am still looking. And it is not insurance sales either!

Yeah , i will tell you one, Home health! Shit jobs with ultra low bases like you made in your first job. But most industries DO NOT VALUE PAHRMA REPS
Also, device jobs hate pharma reps

Contract is not a resume killer, working on "pharma" is a killer. People needs jobs to support their families so what if contract is there you take it. It's not the greatest gig in the world but it is what it is. Do any of you idiots posting things like contract is a resume killer realize how many pharma jobs have been cut in the past few years? If jobs are being cut, jobs are not going to be open. When there are opeinings there are so many reps are applying so the hiring manager can pick and choose. Here is the deal, get out of pharma.

The real killer is the policies of this admin and all the jobs they have killed. Most of the mob gains for september were partime jobs with NO health insurance!