Two ways to make extra money

You got me, I didn't really laugh out loud. And to be clear, when I say SMFH I'm not really smacking my head. SMFH. I'm not sure what to make of you. Are you a company guy or a slacker like the rest of us. If a slacker, then maybe listen to what I am saying. Uber and Lift is not worth it - risk (getting fired) not worth the benefit. (50-100 per week.) I don't care how much you think you get along with your teammates. You'd be surprised at how many would turn you in for being inventive. Dental sales, device, even b2b working as a 1099 guy could work. Just like fight club, first rule is you don't talk about fight club. Good luck to all with the balls. And to the guy hating on me... FU! See what I did there? LOL.

Now you really got the last word! You feel better now

Both not bad ideas but what I've done to supplement my income was to buy rental properties.

You have to do something to protect yourself for the time this money train stops.

Yes we know Capt. Obvious. You don't see it yet. There is an alternate reality happening all around you; you have no idea about but you're a part of it. Your're a company puppet and the company needs puppets, but that's mostly likely where you'll stay. Sorry if I seem rude.

I know my role sweetums. Az doesn't give a frick about me personally or career goals that I used to have. I'm interchangeable, replaceable, totally get that. Familiarity breeds contempt, and while this whole pharma "sales" gig is a charade since Phrma code, hppa, sunshine and ObamaSteal (er ACA), your entrepreneurial initiative is akin to a 3-card monty dealer, : slimy, simpleminded theft. Your true character is revealed by your behaviours when you think no one is looking.

I know my role sweetums. Az doesn't give a frick about me personally or career goals that I used to have. I'm interchangeable, replaceable, totally get that. Familiarity breeds contempt, and while this whole pharma "sales" gig is a charade since Phrma code, hppa, sunshine and ObamaSteal (er ACA), your entrepreneurial initiative is akin to a 3-card monty dealer, : slimy, simpleminded theft. Your true character is revealed by your behaviours when you think no one is looking.
You just said that the company doesn't care about you but you are upset people are fighting back.

You have Stockholm syndrome

Instead of concentrating on ways to defraud the company why don't people concentrate on making a difference.

Remember we sell life saving medications that patients depend on. We make a difference and help save people's lives. Think of that patient who may not get the proper Rx if you dont do your job.

Instead of concentrating on ways to defraud the company why don't people concentrate on making a difference.

Remember we sell life saving medications that patients depend on. We make a difference and help save people's lives. Think of that patient who may not get the proper Rx if you dont do your job.

Come on, you don't really believe that do you? You drop samples..give a ten second message and cater lunch. You don't save lives. You are not a health professional you're a drug rep. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with being a drug rep. However don't be holier than thou and profess to be something you're not. I'd guess that misinformation by drug reps an selling out of indication and understating side effects have caused more adverse reactions or deaths than the lives you profess to save.

Come on, you don't really believe that do you? You drop samples..give a ten second message and cater lunch. You don't save lives. You are not a health professional you're a drug rep. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with being a drug rep. However don't be holier than thou and profess to be something you're not. I'd guess that misinformation by drug reps an selling out of indication and understating side effects have caused more adverse reactions or deaths than the lives you profess to save.

For patients sake, saving lives, patients first, is all a mantra in an effort to sound politically correct. Such catch phrases sound better than saying profits first.

Come on, you don't really believe that do you? You drop samples..give a ten second message and cater lunch. You don't save lives. You are not a health professional you're a drug rep. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with being a drug rep. However don't be holier than thou and profess to be something you're not. I'd guess that misinformation by drug reps an selling out of indication and understating side effects have caused more adverse reactions or deaths than the lives you profess to save.

Well said and 1000% true. Anyone that believes a pharma rep saves lives is either stupid or really naive.

Well said and 1000% true. Anyone that believes a pharma rep saves lives is either stupid or really naive.

I just try to make it through 5 hours of total boredom every fucking day. There is no way I could tolerate this job for a full 8 hours without going absolutely stark raving mad. Besides the boredom, I also have to put up with insults and a total lack of respect or appreciation from customers and patients in their waiting rooms. The only life worth saving is my own.
I don't give a flying fuck about my teammates or this company. Just trying to hold on from one day to the next because I know this won't last forever.

I just try to make it through 5 hours of total boredom every fucking day. There is no way I could tolerate this job for a full 8 hours without going absolutely stark raving mad. Besides the boredom, I also have to put up with insults and a total lack of respect or appreciation from customers and patients in their waiting rooms. The only life worth saving is my own.
I don't give a flying fuck about my teammates or this company. Just trying to hold on from one day to the next because I know this won't last forever.

This sounds like the lament of a street whore.

Instead of trying to find ways to defraud the company through theft of company time, why not concentrate on analyzing your territory and increase Rxs?

Work on your rapport and relationship building skills. Come up with open-ended challenging questions for your Rxers. Bring value to your offices and differentiate yourself from your competition. You have a great opportunity afforded to you that many squander.

Go out and make it a great day.

Work on your rapport and relationship building skills. Come up with open-ended challenging questions for your Rxers. Bring value to your offices and differentiate yourself from your competition. You have a great opportunity afforded to you that many squander.

Go out and make it a great day.

Just to play devils advocate. You may challenge Rxers up to a point and some will not tolerate challenges. What 'value' are you bringing to the office? Sure, with a new FDA approved drug or new indication you may be bringing value, so some messaging can be helpful. How helpful is that 'same' messaging the 10th, 20th, or 30th visit?

What does differentiate from the competition mean? A different message from competing company reps, perhaps suspiciously listened to by many Rxers who will often tell you, "you say one thing, the next rep tells me why I should do the opposite?"

More likely the competition is telling their reps the same things you recommend above, build rapport, challenge, and differentiate. The same outsourced analysts are probably used with similar messaging formats and market research. Reps drive similar cars, interact, and are incentivized similarly. Companies compare sales force size, ROI, messaging, sales force effectiveness, promo budgets, etc. Sure, there are little differences, but having worked for several companies it ain't all that great.

Saying the canned phrase value and differentiation sounds nice, but how much tools and leeway does a rep really have today?

Not that I would disagree with you at a RBM while role playing or during training sessions. The safest route is to nod my head in agreement with all the other bobble heads, while internally keeping my disbelief silent.

I may build rapport, bring value, and differentiate myself from competition, but probably not quite how you envision it.

Just to play devils advocate. You may challenge Rxers up to a point and some will not tolerate challenges. What 'value' are you bringing to the office? Sure, with a new FDA approved drug or new indication you may be bringing value, so some messaging can be helpful. How helpful is that 'same' messaging the 10th, 20th, or 30th visit?

What does differentiate from the competition mean? A different message from competing company reps, perhaps suspiciously listened to by many Rxers who will often tell you, "you say one thing, the next rep tells me why I should do the opposite?"

More likely the competition is telling their reps the same things you recommend above, build rapport, challenge, and differentiate. The same outsourced analysts are probably used with similar messaging formats and market research. Reps drive similar cars, interact, and are incentivized similarly. Companies compare sales force size, ROI, messaging, sales force effectiveness, promo budgets, etc. Sure, there are little differences, but having worked for several companies it ain't all that great.

Saying the canned phrase value and differentiation sounds nice, but how much tools and leeway does a rep really have today?

Not that I would disagree with you at a RBM while role playing or during training sessions. The safest route is to nod my head in agreement with all the other bobble heads, while internally keeping my disbelief silent.

I may build rapport, bring value, and differentiate myself from competition, but probably not quite how you envision it.
When is the last time you took doctors to a strip club and padded it in your expense report?
