
It's high always has been high. I don't work for a competitor, everyone on this site thinks the negative info is coming from Covidien reps, it's not. Most of us were former employees or current employees that saw their BS first hand. Bottom line find another company that won't work you to death!!

You hit the nail on the head! I'm not a competitor either I experienced the nightmare and had to take a year off to get my health back in order. I got a fantastic position with a great company. Happy and healthy now!!

You Hit the nail on the head! I don't work for a competitor but I experienced the nightmare first hand. After 2 years at there I had to take a year off to get my health in order. I now have a great job with a company that treats me fair and humble.

I have an interview for a position as Supplier Quality Auditor in Irvine. I've read the threads about sales , and I've seen a few bad reviews about QA on other sites. Can anybody give info on the Quality Department at this place? Maybe former auditors? Thanks!

I've had a recruiter tell me "you don't need to explain why you're leaving Masimo".
I also work with our OEM partner reps often in the field. They ask about the mass migration from Masimo saying that the technology looks cool. Why does Masimo treat their people so poorly? I guess that's the real million-dollar question.


The turnover is continuing, good people are still leaving ( and more to come ) Largely due to MA's passive aggressive, little man antics. The fear mongering and threats are at an all time high.

When is this guy's poisonous culture and inability to lead going to come to light? No wonder we just lost another RVP.
It's been in the light forever, hello! MA's affinity for poisonous culture and his puppy-like obedience is ideal skill set for masimo leadership. Warped executives on a warped mission need thugs like MA.

I hear another RVP is about to leave, along with a couple of good Account Managers. They are growing tired of the flavor of the month as a futile attempt to save sales - Red Diamond, Root, Root VS, Iris Gateway, Safety Net, bootleg a Philips capital deal, and so on.

I hear another RVP is about to leave, along with a couple of good Account Managers. They are growing tired of the flavor of the month as a futile attempt to save sales - Red Diamond, Root, Root VS, Iris Gateway, Safety Net, bootleg a Philips capital deal, and so on.
our product portfolio looks like a bad yard sale, one that’s got all the wigs and broken shit a guy could pass on.