I agree. They are not giving any information. The information that we have gotten has been so back and forth. I know it's business but I don't feel that it's fair to string us along. I have been a hard working, consistently performing employee. All I want is answers. Will I have a job? When will I receive notice that I will or will not have a job? Will I get my Q4 bonus ( there have been varying answers to this)? How long to I have to stay to ensure I receive my Q4 bonus?
My personal opinion is that they will drag this "we don't now anything yet" thing on until the transaction actually closes at which point, people will learn that they have been terminated, are being brought to Zoetis, or are being put on a TSA. I wish our management would ask us if we even wanted a TSA. I hope that I get cut and can collect my severance. I feel I deserve that much.
I know it's just business, I just expected more courtesy and respect from a company I had so much respect for :-(

I agree. They are not giving any information. The information that we have gotten has been so back and forth. I know it's business but I don't feel that it's fair to string us along. I have been a hard working, consistently performing employee. All I want is answers. Will I have a job? When will I receive notice that I will or will not have a job? Will I get my Q4 bonus ( there have been varying answers to this)? How long to I have to stay to ensure I receive my Q4 bonus?
My personal opinion is that they will drag this "we don't now anything yet" thing on until the transaction actually closes at which point, people will learn that they have been terminated, are being brought to Zoetis, or are being put on a TSA. I wish our management would ask us if we even wanted a TSA. I hope that I get cut and can collect my severance. I feel I deserve that much.
I know it's just business, I just expected more courtesy and respect from a company I had so much respect for :-(

Agree completely. Just tell us what is going down or at bare minimum a date to tell us, and stick to it

I agree! Do the right thing and tell us! We have families, kids and mortgages to pay for.
Be loyal to us as we have been loyal to you AAH.

Read the book "Who Moved the Cheese". You must believe in yourself and your skills. Forget the loyalty baggage in that it does not exist anywhere in today's business culture. Take charge of your own career!

Upper management feels absolutely nothing for any of us drones. They only care about us from an economic standpoint. If we hit goal, then we were an asset. If we didn't, then we weren't. If we hit goal but didn't toe the party line, then we were no longer an asset. They have fostered a culture of fear and intimidation the entire time I've been here. It is laughable how some of you think they will suddenly develop something like a conscience. All they are interested in now is how much money they will pocket from this deal, or how this deal will pad their resume. That's it. They care nothing about any of us.

Upper management feels absolutely nothing for any of us drones. They only care about us from an economic standpoint. If we hit goal, then we were an asset. If we didn't, then we weren't. If we hit goal but didn't toe the party line, then we were no longer an asset. They have fostered a culture of fear and intimidation the entire time I've been here. It is laughable how some of you think they will suddenly develop something like a conscience. All they are interested in now is how much money they will pocket from this deal, or how this deal will pad their resume. That's it. They care nothing about any of us.

I call BS!! I know personally Andrea cares about the sales force!!

I call BS on you. If she cares so much, gives us some relevant f*cking info. Srsly...anything would be good. "You'll know before Christmas" my ass. When has she shown anything like caring for anyone other than her cronies?