Truth on the Bard Access Culture

Well, sticks and stones may break my bones, fellah. But I have heard of these propositions first-hand, and like I said, they happen all the time and the behavior is excused as simply a byproduct of "drunk salespeople". But when you're on a company work, with or without alcohol, you're still at work, and when that sort of thing happens, it's the same thing as an office fling. It just doesn't stay in Las Vegas...or Orlando, or Phoenix, or wherever.

And please stop your trolling.
Well, sticks and stones may break my bones, fellah. But I have heard of these propositions first-hand, and like I said, they happen all the time and the behavior is excused as simply a byproduct of "drunk salespeople". But when you're on a company work, with or without alcohol, you're still at work, and when that sort of thing happens, it's the same thing as an office fling. It just doesn't stay in Las Vegas...or Orlando, or Phoenix, or wherever.

what is this grade school? Thanks for the lecture. Bard is no different than any other company. fellah? wtf
Well, sticks and stones may break my bones, fellah. But I have heard of these propositions first-hand, and like I said, they happen all the time and the behavior is excused as simply a byproduct of "drunk salespeople". But when you're on a company work, with or without alcohol, you're still at work, and when that sort of thing happens, it's the same thing as an office fling. It just doesn't stay in Las Vegas...or Orlando, or Phoenix, or wherever.

And please stop your trolling.

your story is bullshit, i am willing to bet you are a low life sales scumbag working on some shit company making no money and you will start doing this same crap on their board as soon as they push you out. such a loser.
The truth is that Bard Access has a reputation for partying hard. It is encoraged by management. Those who party that hard then make decisions that they wouldn't make if they were sober. Most of those decisions are beneath the sheets and those in management often are sometimes making those decisions. It is not everyone but it is more than you see at a normal sales meeting and people are open about it as they run around holding hands with someone else's spouse. That only happens because unlike in other companies no one in management cares.

thanks for the judgement, whatever i've done at a meeting my ex-husband did ten times worse. no once encouraged me as no one needed to. he is a cheater. you are a prick